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Wed Mar 24th, 2021 @ 12:16pm

Lieutenant Aurelius Davis

Name Aurelius Davis

Position Morale Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 280 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Aurelius is fairly tall but tends to slouch from years of being bent over in tight places. His unkempt hair and occasional stubble make him look a little bit scruffy but he has no interest in how he might look to others. He leans forward slightly when walking due to one leg being slightly longer than the other (a genetic trait in his family that he refused to have fixed by surgical means).


Father Bruce Davis
Mother Polly Taylor
Sister(s) Mary, Saraih

Personality & Traits

General Overview Aurelius is all business to the outside world. Rarely does he show his sense of humor unless he is comfortable with someone. He is calm and collected in most situations but can be considered intense because of his insatiable curiosity. Once something catches his attention he rarely lets it go until he can completely understand it.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Great Work Ethic
+Calm in most all situations
+Extremely loyal to a fault
- Can scare people off with his intense curiosity
- Hard on himself if perceives that he’s failed
Hobbies & Interests Big Leonardo da Vinci fan, pencil drawings, geology.

Personal History Aurelius was born to Bruce and Polly Davis at St. Patrick’s Hospital in Missoula Montana. He was raised, along with his two elder sisters on an old cattle ranch turned farm in the Bitterroot Valley. His parents were traditionalists who didn’t like to use technology unless they absolutely had to. Because of this shunning, Aurelius found himself extremely curious about it and did everything he could to discover what he was missing, despite punishments from his parents.

When he had reached the age of maturity he set off to study science at the University of Montana but fell in love with the idea of taking wings and so he transferred to Rocky Mountain College in Billings where from the moment he set foot in a flight simulator he was hooked. It was everything he had imagined and more. From the time he was a small child he had studied da Vinci’s drawings of wings and mechanical devices and although the technology was much more advanced he loved holding onto his first principles of flying every time he stepped into a cockpit.

When he heard about Starfleet Academy, a new program to train cadets for a possible future in space, he jumped at the chance and was accepted. Unfortunately this meant an estrangement with his parents who did not understand their sons unwillingness to return to the old ways. To them, he was following a dangerous path that put Earth at risk. He remains in touch with his two sisters sparingly when they can reach him. Both are married and have families now.