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Tue Feb 22nd, 2022 @ 8:54pm

Ensign Nuna Lepine

Name Nuna Lepine

Position Science Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 180 cm
Weight 57 kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description A tall athletic woman with feminine curves, ruddish-brown skin and long straight hair that reaches to the middle of her back


Spouse None
Children None
Father Askuwheteau Lepine
Mother Wikimak Lepine
Brother(s) Mukki Lepine
Sister(s) Hurit O'Connor
Other Family Seamus O'Connor (brother-in-law)
Jonathan O'Connor (nephew)
Hausis Lepine (grandmother)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Comes off as reserved and stoic, to the point that she is alternately accused of projecting a First Nation caricature and/or trying to "outVulcan Vulcans." Calm under pressure.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Competent in multiple scientific, mathematical and technical fields
+ Adept at numerous physical activities as well as "living off the land"

- Stoic and aloof in behavior
- Suffers from mild forms of social anxiety disorder, agoraphobia and haphephobia
Ambitions Though she has vaguely defined it to herself, Nuna's big ambition is to be in charge of a "historic project" such as the one her parents are in charge of
Hobbies & Interests Okichitaw
Three Dimensional Chess
Parkour and related sports

Personal History Nuna was born and raised in Minne-kahta, a small community in the extreme southwestern portion of the North American administrative district of South Dakota. Minne-kahta serves as the operational and administrative headquarters of a project to environmentally restore the Northern Great Plains, a project which Nuna's parents co-administrates. Nuna's childhood consisted of virtual classrooms, roaming open prairies and getting a varied if eclectic education from the various scientists and technicians working for her parents. So when a seventeen year old Nuna stepped on the grounds of the University of Oxford, to say she suffered a culture shock is a major understatement. Nuna withdrew into herself, presenting a cold, beautiful image to the world. Phobias and personality "quirks" not withstanding, by the age of twenty four, Nuna had earned her doctorate in mathematical and theoretical biology.

Nuna's extended (and in some cases honorary) family expected her to return to her parent's work, and perhaps in time take over what was becoming a multigenerational project. So it was a shock to everyone when Nuna joined Starfleet, particularly in light of the psychological difficulties she had to overcome to get her education. Nevertheless, Nuna successfully completed Starfleet's Officer Candidate School before being assigned to the Atlantis.
Service Record 2155: Officer Candidate School

2155 - Present: NX-05 Atlantis, Science Officer