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Thu Dec 8th, 2022 @ 2:27am

Gunnery Sergeant Michael Sloan

Name Michael Sloan (AU)

Position MACO

Rank Gunnery Sergeant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 6’1 (185cm)
Weight 180 (81kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description There is a certain intensity behind Michael's eyes. His eyes seem to hold more experience than his 34 should hold. He walks proudly like a good soldier, every movement is the result of rigorous training. He is not the bulked up beast of a soldier, but looks as though he could hold his own despite his rather skinny frame.


Father General Franklin Sloan, African Union - South African Corps - Retired
Mother Master Sergeant Rachel Sloan, African Union - South African Corps - Retired

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sloan loved the Earth and will do everything in his power to keep it safe. He is a tough soldier with an Earth first personality. Part of him resents the fact that the Vulcans have held back Humanity and admires the Andorians for sticking it to the Vulcans. However, above all Sloan performs his duty. He does not let his personal feelings get in the way of his duty. Sloan is a very serious person whose job has become his life.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Highly Trained (survival, tactics, fighting, weapons)
+ Dedication, Humanities future depends on Starfleet's success

- Feels others have not earned their rank
- Raised to understand a life in the military, looks down on civilians in duty uniforms
Ambitions To be the Commander of a Marine battalion of a starship.
Hobbies & Interests His number one hobby is training. In order to defend Earth, one has to be ready to defend it. When he has free time, he can be found in one of three places. One, practicing a mix of Judo and Muay Thai in the rec center that his father regularly trained his soldiers for better combat effectiveness. Two, climbing the jeffries tubes. Three, running drills in the Marine barracks. On occasion when he has fun, he can be found in the mess hall to socialize with his fellow crewmates.

Personal History Born in Johannesburg, Michael grew up a military brat. Unlike kids of previous generations he was never worried about his parents' well-being. Earth was changing and true war was never very likely as the nations of the world united to form the United Earth government.

As he grew up on the military bases after military base in the African Confederation, Michael received a mixed education. He found the newly invented armaments fascinating and would often find ways to tinker with some of the new phase-pistols and rifles. HIs dream growing up was to join the United Earth Military, maybe even the MACO division.

However, as long distance space travel became more and more feasible with more powerful and faster warp engines being developed, Michael decided that Humanity's future was in the stars. However, with a true Starfleet Academy still a few years away, Michael was forced to enter the United Earth Military. He went through basic and rose through the ranks until he was eligible to undergo MACO training.

While in basic, he loved the comradery and the goal-oriented career path. It felt more right and had more purpose than parading around the galaxy studying comets. The first Xindi attack on Earth truly solidified his choice and showed him that Earth had to stand vigilante, ready to defend itself from the horrors of the galaxy at large.
Service Record United Earth Military, 2138 - Present
- Gunnery Sergeant - Stationed aboard NX Atlantis
- Staff Sergeant - Stationed at Camp Pendleton to train for extra-Earth threats
- Sergeant - African Confederation Command
- MACO - Transferred to Starfleet prior to MACO School