Joshua Shepard

Name Joshua Thomas Shepard

Position Armory Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 6’2
Weight 198lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Physically fit.
Tanned complexion
Newly trimmed beard


Spouse Ex
Children 3 children
2 girls and a boy
Father Thomas Shepard
Mother Mary Shepard
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Easy going person. Has a strong moral center
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: sees things to completion
Weaknesses: At times becomes too into his work to where he doesn’t focus on anything else until it’s completed
Ambitions To eventually become captain of his own starship
Hobbies & Interests Music and relaxing

Personal History Lived in a small town in Missouri working at a farmer. He sought life other than farming like his parents and family before him. He joined Star fleet academy at 18 and graduated at 22. His his posting was on a lunar penal colony. After spending a good amount of years at that posting he recieved orders to be stationed on a Star ship
Service Record 18 entered Star fleet academy
22 graduated
18 years lunar penal colony
Posted on Star ship Atlantis.