
  • 9 Mission Posts

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Mon Feb 3rd, 2025 @ 9:34pm

Lieutenant Andre Rhodes

Name Andre Rhodes

Position Chief Engineer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 235lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Strongly built from keeping in physical shape, bald with some form of goatee - be it a thin one or a well trimmed full one. While he does look quite intimidating when he wants to be, Andre also can be as warm and friendly looking as possible as well, depending on the mood.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Anthony Rhodes
Mother Veronica Rhodes
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) Alysha Rhodes

Personality & Traits

General Overview Andre Rhodes is a highly motivated engineer but also a team player. He wants everyone on his team to have their chance to shine, knowing that a team is like a warp core - it only works when everything is at its best. He's very hands on and enjoys his work.
Strengths & Weaknesses Andre's strengths lie firstly in his commitment to his duty and his team. He genuinely enjoys working on the various systems for a ship and getting his hands dirty, finding it to be honest work that you see the result of. He is physically fit as well, knowing that his fitness could mean the difference between life and death for the ship and crew.

That said, Andre does have a hard time letting things go. He can hold onto setbacks and disappointments longer than one would consider to be healthy, thus turning himself into his own worst critic. He also is someone who does not respond well to having his trust broken or abused - once betrayed, it can be very hard to get his trust back. And there's no coming back if it is lost again.
Ambitions Maybe one day he'd like to branch into Command and get his own ship. That or get into a prototype design team at the fleet yards and make some really cool stuff.
Hobbies & Interests When not on duty, Andre enjoys physical workout routines, finding it a good way to work off frustration and stress. Aside from that, he's also a fan of adventure novels and movies. If circumstances allow, he's open to reading similar stories from other civilizations but that's been easier said than done.

Personal History Born in Los Angeles, North America, Andre's life was fairly calm and not particularly noteworthy while growing up. His family lived more or less "average" lives but as he advanced into high school, Andre became more and more interested in the advancements in spaceflight, taking more and more engineering courses. However, his grades weren't quite what Starfleet Academy was looking for and he had to take another route.

Andre enlisted instead with the MACOs, serving as an installation guard while pursuing further education. After that, he reapplied to Starfleet Academy and was accepted. He would continue his career with Starfleet as an engineer, working on several different projects and early warp ships. On top of learning about the inner workings of various ship designs and warp cores, he also gained an appreciation for Starfleet's mission of exploration. For the time being, Andre chose to focus more on his career, despite his family's insistence that he was neglecting his personal life. But for Andre, he had plenty of friends and he wasn't ready to settle down and start a family.

He chose not to apply for the first couple of NX-class ships, opting to wait and let the list thin out a bit more before applying. His application to join the engineering staff for NX-05 Atlantis was approved and he was now on his way to moving into the senior ranks. His plan was to get enough experience to either get on with a new project for stability or even start pursuing a career path that would put him in the center chair of his own ship.
Service Record 2139 - Enlisted, Military Assault Command Operations
2139-2143 - Assigned, installation security, Fort Hood, Texas, North America
2143 - Accepted into Starfleet Academy, Engineering Track
2147 - Assigned, [i]Saratoga[/i], Engineering Staff
2149 - Reassigned, [i]Discovery[/i], Fleet Yard Engine Installation Staff
2152 - Reassigned, [i]Willamette[/i], Engineering Staff
2155 - Reassigned, [i]Atlantis[/i], Engineering Staff