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Thu Aug 29th, 2024 @ 3:31pm

Sub-Lieutenant T'Hala

Name T'Hala

Position Operations Officer

Rank Sub-Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan
Age 46

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 145 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description T’Hala is of average height for a Vulcan female, and has a lithe, willowy body shape further honed by frequent physical activity. Her body is long, lean, and has an almost delicate or fragile quality to it. However, there is strength hidden beneath the innate grace and poise she demonstrates.

She is considered aesthetically pleasing, with a heart shaped face, full lips, and dark brown eyes. Her skin is fair bronze, with a subtle green undertone, and her hair is cut in a short straight-lined pixie which often looks slightly tousled given its texture. She has long hands with narrow, dexterous fingers tipped with almond shaped, medium length nails – painted a natural color to blend with her skin.


Spouse N/A (Betrothed to Varin)
Children N/A
Father Soven
Mother T'Rel
Brother(s) Vanik
Sister(s) T'Lara

Personality & Traits

General Overview T'Hala is Vulcan. On first meet, she is cold, seemingly emotionless, and ruthlessly efficient. However, she is a curious sort and willingly volunteered to serve in an exchange program between Vulcan High Command and the newly minted United Earth Starfleet. It was the most difficult position she had ever been posted to. Humans were so very different; it was a challenging adjustment, but she persevered and attempted to adapt to what she considered inexplicable human idiosyncrasies to assimilate more effectively with the crew.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Intelligent
+ Efficient
+ Competent in a number of martial arts / weapons (melee and projectile)

- She’s an alien
- No longer has an iron control on her emotions after waking up in an alternate universe
- Can come across as haughty/arrogant by human interpretation
- Awkward, especially in social situations
Ambitions T’Hala is—perhaps against better judgement—fascinated with alien culture. Being selected to serve in the exchange program was quite gratifying to her, and her time aboard had been quite fascinating. She spends a lot of time meditating when not on duty but does attempt to socialize (with mixed results).

She is a life-long practitioner of martial arts -- mainly Vulcan styles such as Suus’Mahna and is a capable sparring partner.

Personal History She is the eldest of three siblings and has always had a strikingly overt independent streak and was often questioning why the way things were the way they were. Her parents worried that this would lead their daughter down a most satisfactory path given the societal climate on Vulcan at the time. Their worries were for naught as T'Hala seemed to settle down as she completed her studies at the Vulcan Science Academy and joined the Vulcan Space Program. In truth, T'Hala felt stifled by the authoritarian society and chose the VSP to get off-world.

During her early career, she unfortunately was stationed on a ship that patrolled in already well explored sector of space. Live aboard a star ship was like living in Shi’Kahr in space, and between the stifling social mores and the rigid rank protocols aboard the ship, T’Hala knew she could not remain where she was and find any sort of satisfaction. Service and duty were cornerstones of their culture, but life should also not be onerous. Upon hearing of the exchange program, T'Hala was one of the few Vulcans who willingly volunteered and was able to set off a truly unique journey.
Service Record 2136 - 2140 - Vulcan Science Academy 4 years
College of Information Technology – focus on operational & analytical operations
Minor in xenobiology

2140 – accepted a commission in the Vulcan Space Program

2140 – 2142 – Mission specific training / OCS

2142 – Assigned to Tal’Kir - D’kyr type combat cruiser / Operations Officer

2150 – promoted to Subaltern

2156 – Assigned to NX Atlantis as Engineer Officer