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The Great Atlantis Survey 2021

Posted on Wed May 5th, 2021 @ 5:42pm by Captain Bethsabée Leroux

Thank you to everyone who got involved and gave constructive feedback really appreciate it and I hope me grabbing some of the comments answering questions will help.

Nothing, I just have to kick my own butt and get posting again

We can help. Just let us know. Quality over quantity whoever you are.

More recruitment?

I'm personally more of a slow pace simmer, and the crew is getting rather big.

I've lumped both these comments together as they conflict and balance out. We do lots of recruitment but the pool is very small at the moment but I would also point out we have more players than the vast majority of ships in Obsidian Fleet and elsewhere. I like to think that we actually have the best of the best with our quality when we have our game faces on.. Sure I would love some more but I am not concerned especially as we are all recovering from 2020.

I like the clear timelines, and lots of threads to explore for each department. Sometimes when big plot points or climaxes happen, the posts move on without much time to react to it. (But I recognize this usually happens when players have trailed off and stopped working on new posts. Might be a necessary evil).

Very much what happens and a necessary evil. Would love to hear how to change that approach though.

Currently I believe that the sim is headed in a good direction, I would say the only thing I would change would be to add some additional information about previous missions on the website that allows newcomers to get up to speed quicker

Will definitely look at an approach for this.

I would want to get a true sense of being lost, year of hell or Equinox type thing.

Spoilers *grins*

I would love to have more openness about the storyline so I can cooperate more aspects of it in earlier posts and truly build up to a climax together.

Anyone can reach out and ask for spoilers as long as they swear on the blood of their firstborn that they do not tell ;-)

We rock! :p
It's been fun exploring
Everyone is included
I liked that all departments get involved in the story.

All the lovely comments.

If anything has anything else to add there is a box on our discord community that is called suggestions that people can put stuff into. Thank you again for giving me and the best of the command team some things to think about and the best way to move onwards.



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