Only an Engineer
Posted on Wed Oct 23rd, 2019 @ 2:58pm by Ensign Michael Sloan
Edited on on Wed Oct 23rd, 2019 @ 6:37pm
Mission 1 - One Step forward
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: En Route to Xindi
683 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure
Standing by the warp engine, Leah's hands gripped the rail as she listened to the gentle pulsating sound of the Warp V engine. She thought back on her time in the NX Project, all that the team had gone through. The failures and successes had created emotional peaks and valleys. Now, she stood next to a Warp V engine and it was one of the most beautiful sounds that she had ever head.
"Purring like a kitten, as the Americans like to say," Lukas observed, joining the captain on the guard rail. "Ensign Ahmed has a way with injectors. I don't know how but he gets the ratio just right every single time."
"That's always the hard part," Leah agreed. As advanced as the engines seemed, an incorrect ratio was all that stood between them and becoming space dust. "The Warp V engine," she nodded toward the behemoth in engineering, "Think of all the places it can take us."
"Big E and Columbia got pretty far, and they still managed to leave us with plenty to find on our own," Lukas observed with a wry smile. "Maybe even get a few planets named after us?"
"Looking for planet Lukas in the Carter system?" Leah sort of joked. She pointed at the engine and said, "I'm sure we'll get there with this. How is it running? Any ticks or oddities?" All engines had their own temperament, some worked by themselves, others needed gentle encouragement, while others required a wrench to the siding.
Lukas snorted. "Carter system has a nice ring to it, ja?" He shook his head before peering down at the warp engine. "It runs hot compared to the NX-01 and -02." He answered. "At lower warp factors, it peaks like an old combustion engine being left in too low a gear. Pass the threshold from Warp 2.9 to Warp 3, and it purrs like a kitten."
"So we never fly below Warp 3?" Leah replied knowing that was impossible. She ran her hand along the part of the engine closest to her, "Slow and stubborn at low speeds, but really opens up at high speed. Think that is an issue with the seals, or just the engine's own quirks?"
"I don't know yet, Captain," Lukas answered. "It's between Warp 2 and 3 that we see the engine temperature levels rising. Once we cross that threshold, she runs like Ensign Ahmed wants her to."
Leah nodded her understanding, "Keep me updated, there will be times when we need to fly Warp 2.3. I need to know I won't be blowing up our warp core." Getting to more serious issues, she looked Lukas dead in the eye, "My main concern is if the ship will survive the coming radiation storm. Will it?"
"The data the Enterprise brought back from the Delphic Expanse gave us an opportunity to learn how to reinforce more areas of the ship. Engineering, Sickbay, the recreation room, are sufficiently shielded to hunker down. The connecting corridors have some shielding, but not enough to idle around. It isn't as good as the catwalk, but it's better than being forced in there," Lukas explained. The idea of being shoved into the catwalk unnerved him.
"Anything would be better than the catwalk," Leah shuddered. "Do you have any concerns as we close in on the Xindi homeworld?" she asked.
"I wish we had access to the Andorians shield technology, Captain," Carter said with a slight shrug. "Polarized hull plating is better now, but it is still not anywhere close to what I would prefer."
"A deflector shield would beat polarized hull any day," Leah agreed. "Their phaser weapons would help too, they almost make us look like we're throwing rocks. Even with our upgraded phase cannons."
It was at that moment that the onboard comm unit chimed on the nearby wall, "Captain Morgan, report to the Bridge."
With an apologetic look, the Captain gave her Chief Engineer a slight smile. "We will have to continue this later. Keep her running for me," she winked.
Captain Leah Morgan
Commanding Officer
NX-05 Atlantis
Lt. Commander Lukas Carter
Chief Engineer
NX-05 Atlantis