One Out of Three
Posted on Thu Nov 7th, 2019 @ 11:33pm by
Mission 2 - Fallout
Location: Engineering
Timeline: Day 2, Month 1, Year 0 11:00 (Just After the CO's Joint Post)
232 words - 0.5 OF Standard Post Measure
It had been more than two days since hell broke loose. Two days during which Sergeant Minna Chang had spent most of her time crammed into tight crawlspaces, climbing under, over, around or through wreckage. Two days since her last meal, or her last rest.
It's not that Minna was particularly skillful at engineering or damage control tasks, she wasn't, but the simple fact that she was THE smallest person on board, and as such, was able to get to places that others simply couldn't.
Minna climbed out of the crawlspace and set the wrench back in the crewman's tool case without even noticing the slick mixture of her blood and sweat that covered the grip.
"The leak is sealed" she said plainly, and on seeing the crewman nod, she tried to walk away. There were three others patiently waiting to ask her to do some similar task that they themselves were simply too large to get in and do, but she ignored them and her desire to conceal her limp and just awkwardly made her way out of engineering and back to the MACO area.
She had no doubt that the major would send her back out soon enough, but for now, she needed to eat, drink and put her head down. Without food and water the first two would likely prove impossible, but one out of three wasn't too bad.