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Posted on Mon Jun 1st, 2020 @ 7:50am by Captain Bethsabée Leroux

Mission: Mission 3 - 100
Location: Deck E - Sickbay
Timeline: Day 8, Month 1, Year 0 13:30
969 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

It had been none stop for hours and Beth was sure that a moment to herself would not have been found checking on her Executive Officer at all. Yet there the officer in charge was sat looking at the heavily sedated and secured unconscious form of Sloan. She was both relieved and sad to see him in the state he was but it was for the best at the moment. He was a danger to the ship and the people under her command who were already on the run from the Vrav.

How was she going to explain this mess to anyone outside of the Vulcans at all? Bon sang, Beth thought to herself she barely understood it herself. How was it possible that this man who had been on board six months suddenly now was someone else, someone who was similar to a Vulcan but not a Vulcan. He was almost a subspecies of them that had left Vulcan many thousands of years before. Beth glanced up as she heard a noise behind her she turned and saw Min.

Excusez-moi de vous déranger…” Beth paused realising she had slipped into French. “I mean I’m sorry to disturb you. Thank you for coming.” She had grabbed Min to meet her there to explain what had happened with the Vulcan’s, Sloan and herself.

Min was decidedly not pleased. She had not been pleased since their last encounter. Captain Leroux may now have had the information she wanted, but the way the woman was going about it was going to begin to breach multiple medical practices. And she was beginning to think that her medical services were about to be abused.

So it should have come to no surprise as she stood at the entrance to the room, arms crossed over her chest, half expecting to protest to another demand right there and then. "Is there something I can do for you, Ma'am?"

Beth knew the woman was at the very least annoyed with her despite her now having the answers she needed. The implications of this event were unknown though, it was serious and if they were at home it would have been far-reaching across Starfleet but they were not and they did not know if there were anymore onboard but they had a base now for what they were looking for.

“He is a spy,” Beth revealed. “An implant in Starfleet.” She added just to be sure that Min knew the full extent as quickly as possible.

"Has he plainly stated as such?" Min asked. "Has he done so sound of mind? Because the last time I checked, he was not sound of mind. No, what I've seen is that there are multiple breeches of my patient's rights and privacies and none of this has been cleared. Insisting on maintaining our due processes and our civility does in fact mean that I am still maintaining all tenets of my Hippocratic Oath. And I would appreciate respect of that, which has not been given. This also means I still recognize him as my patient, regardless of his status within Starfleet."

Beth turned and looked at the woman. "Please stop the attitude Min. It does not suit you any more than me now being called Captain." She brought up the DNA test that now showed a jumbled mess of DNA. "The man is a Vulcanoid when his last medical which was done by you I am sure showed him as human. He and there is another personality under the surface, mixing with the one we know and some even like. I do not think his experience of the surface was torture but their attempt at fixing him. "

Min's brow rose, much to rival that of their Vulcan crewmembers. "This is not an attitude. This is me doing my job, and if we are attempting to remain in Starfleet's code of conduct, I would hope that would extend to the medical procedures we all agreed to when we joined on this mission. Which means I, as head of medical, should be upholding it. We can debate on it later."

And Beth was determined that she would debate it another time. "Have you ever seen anything like this?" Beth asked curiously as if it was something that doctors and nurses had seen before and it had just been forgotten to mention to the rest of Starfleet.

"Of course I haven't." Min stated plainly. "This is new territory for all of us, Commander."

"I was hoping that I might be wrong and that is something medical has come across before." Beth frowned. There were too many unknowns at the moment and she did not know where to start with trying to fix all of this. "He needs to stay sedated and a security crewman will be in sickbay until he is released to the brig just in case he does wake for his and your protection."

For a moment, Min simply wanted to agree and move on with the situation. But the better part of her wanted to ask. "... What exactly do you think he's going to do, Commander? What has he been speaking of that you feel so leery of it?"

“Just as you cannot discuss a patient’s medical information, I am forbidden to discuss matters of United Earth security Lieutenant.” Beth hated that she had said it but there was a precedent of Captains being forced to withhold information and a coming war would rank up there. It was part of why they had originally sent to the Xindi. United Earth knew a war with coming. It was a war that the person now lying unconscious was going to be a key player of if he had been activated back home.



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