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Andorians, Idioms, High And Low Spirits

Posted on Tue Jul 21st, 2020 @ 11:25pm by Lieutenant Avira zh'Kenarh M.D. & Ensign Kathryn Bell

Mission: Mission 3 - 100
Location: NX-05 Atlantis, Sickbay
982 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

The available medical supplies looked terrible on paper and now that Avira had gotten a chance to open the cabinets, "So, Kate... what do you think?" Avira looked over at Kathryn, basically the 'other' medical officer on board. The rest of the medical department was occupied by nurses and support staff, "A week? Maybe two?" She pushed a contained aside in the hopes it would reveal another container filled with vials, only to find an empty container, she sighed, antennae slightly drooping.

"There's an old American saying--there the main people from our northwestern continent--that you sometimes have to fix things using spit and bailing wire... Basically, we're in rough shape. How's your primitive medicine, Avi? Splints, sutures, that kind of thing? I think we've got some gloves and surgical masks in stores, but they'll not last long." The human woman frowned, running a hand absently through her hair. "What I wouldn't give for a friendly species with a big hospital ship we can trade with..." She broke off, then went on abashedly, "I'm sorry--I think things are getting to me a bit."

Kate had made a good point, "We should put that on the list, make sure our staff is fully briefed on more.. primitive healing." Avira nodded, it was good to have someone to discuss these things with, "how long are these raids going to last?" She shook her head, "I would trade a herd of Buffalo for a cache of analgesics." She gave Kate an encouraging smile, it was alright for things to get to them every once in a while, they too were people with feelings, no matter how mechanically they had to look at their colleagues sometimes.

Bell chuckled. "Buffalo? How much time did you spend on Earth, or is that something to do with the translator?" She sobbered. "We're facing another problem--lack of medical staff. I think we should send out feelers to anyone on the ship who would like some cross-training to be of more use, but we also can't overwhelm ourselves with requests, either. What do you think?"

"I've had a conversation with the MACO commander, offered our services for training them up. I think they make sense as back up help," Avira nodded to herself, "perhaps there's some other departments that make sense, Science maybe?" She shrugged a bit, "best to just send out the message and see where we can go from there. Better to be spoilt for choice."

"True... You know, Avi, I've really admired your composure over these last weeks... Its not easy--we're storm-tossed in a tempest, far from home. You're an island of tranquility, frankly."

Avira frowned a bit, she had not really felt like a sea of tranquillity, "The Andorian Imperial Guard trains all members equally, and I've seen my fair share of combat in the years leading up to unification," she let air flow through her for a moment, "it's not always easy though, losing people left and right. Sometimes I feel like I might be missing some obvious signs, your physiology is not quite like ours."

"Yeah, that's true... I feel like the crew is constantly in a state of... Readiness, but mourning, maybe? We're always on alert, particularly with the attacks, but at some point, we're all going to have to break down and grieve. I'll be honest, given our distance from home, its not likely that any but our Vulcan crewmembers will survive long enough to reach Coalition space. I'm afraid you and I, and our staff, are going to have to serve these people for a long long time, God willing..." She broke off, then continued, coloring a bit, "Not to mention whatever children might come along."

Now there was a notion that Avira hadn't considered at all, she would at least not be in any danger of procreating, "We'll have to cross that bridge when we get to it. I think the more present danger is our running out of these supplies," She closed the cabinet and shook her head, "and the crew's morale dropping below acceptable levels."

"Agreed... Any ideas?" Bell looked at one of the bulkheads, thinking.

There was a shrug, she had nothing. She was never tasked with such things but as CMO these were considerations they needed to address, "someone was appointed morale officer, right?" She scratched behind her ear a bit, her antennae twitching as she did so. She was so far out of her depth with this sort of thing.

"I think so? I'll see if I can talk to her, him, them? Not sure, but I have... An idea." Kate gave the doctor what she hoped was a winning smile.

Avira gave a confident nod, "Sounds good, Kat, let me know if you need me to pull some weights with the senior staff." She hoped she had used that expression in the right way, and in the right context.

"Thanks... Its strings, by the way, although I suppose you could have used weight." Bell smiled at her superior. "Human idioms are strange enough when you're one."

"You should hear some of the Andorian ones." Avira scratched a bit behind her antenna, "let me know if you need anything. And make sure to get some rest."

"You too... I was just off to the mess for a cup of coffee--can I get you anything?"

Avira simply shook her head, "no, thank you," she gave a smile to her colleague, hoping the two of them would be able to sort out the medical department. They needed to be ready for the inevitable moment that the Vrav came back. She was sure Bell was made of the right stuff, she was empathetic and she had proven herself under duress. So long as they were able to procure some medical supplies Avi was confident that they would be able to face the music with the two of them.


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Comments (1)

By Captain Bethsabée Leroux on Thu Jul 23rd, 2020 @ 1:59pm

Lots of ideas coming out of this post. Looking forward to the way it develops.