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Punishment Assignment

Posted on Thu Nov 12th, 2020 @ 8:47pm by Crewman Finn Jones & Ensign Michael Sloan & Ensign Elegy Nascimento

Mission: Mission 3 - 100
Location: Deck E - Hydroponics
Timeline: MD 62 10:00
989 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

The Evodia was the most uncommon, modest plant that was Finn’s responsibility. It could be found only high in the mountains and he really had been surprised to find one a group in Hydroponics Bay. The plants grew in tiny groups, but it was tough to control and maintain their growth but so far so good he was doing well. It bloomed once a year on Earth, for 5 months so maybe that was why it was brought along or maybe someone hoped to use it as an energizer when eaten. He just hoped he could keep it pollinated to grow fruit.

It had thin, needle leaves, which were usually green and white. It also grew quite small flowers, which can be light bronze, yellow, silver and black. It was a lovely colouring and why Finn was so distracted he did not hear anyone sneak up on until it was too late. “Oh hello.” He greeted not at all phased that it was the former Executive Officer.

Busy taking a look at the flora, Sloan was almost taken aback by the fact that he was going to be allowed to speak first. “Hello, I’m the new arboretum assistant,” the former Chief Armory Officer replied. He left off the fact that this was tied to his release from the Brig. He figured that everyone gathered knew the circumstances and he was not excited about that topic.

"I know. I... Sir your Parole Officer for the day is not here yet." Finn admitted looking around for Elegy. The man had promised to be there that day to go through the arboretum and what was accepted. He was not very good at it. Lexi had just shown up with her own rules and help but he was sure that Sloan would not be allowed to do that.

After a touch of the control pad had opened the door to the corridor, Ensign Elegy Nacimento appeared, framed by the doorway. Before he could even step inside the hydroponics bay, Elegy could feel Finn's eyes on him. His interactions with Finn, thus far, had been cordial if slightly awkward. Now with the expression of where were you? staring him down, Elegy suspected this day would be no different. Striding into the bay, Elegy said, "Oscar Wilde said it best: Punctuality is the thief of time." Elegy nodded at Finn and he nodded at Sloan. He would have said hello, but a cloud of confusion passed over his eyes. After biting his lip, Elegy said, "Or did he say Punctuality is a virtue of the bored? I always get those confused..."

“Or as I say, punctuality keeps the Brig at bay,” Sloan weakly joked. It was normally not his style to open with a joke, but these were different times and there was a tension in the room that didn’t entirely start with the fact that a prisoner and spy was in their midst. He chose not to say anything else, even though he was eager to actually do something productive for a change.

The atmosphere was thick and tense for a few long seconds before Finn burst into laughter first at the officer from his department then the former officer making a joke, It was just too surreal not to laugh "Oscar Wilde said the first one Sir. I believe Evelyn Waugh said the second one." He finally said shaking his head. He was sure but it sounded like it had come from him and his mother had been the type to quote authors. She had loved a good book.

Clasping a PADD behind his back, Elegy took in the sights of the hydroponics bay with each step that he took. As he closed the distance between himself and his two colleagues, Elegy felt a surge of curiosity for their wellbeing, but the question how are you was starting to feel trite when the crew was lost in space and being hunted by aliens. "What kind of day has it been for you both?" Elegy asked instead. "A rose or a thorn?"

"I say a rose Sir. I even took the time to smell them." He pointed to where the roses were blooming. It had been a beautiful moment before he remembered what was going on around them. He would go into his explanation about the roses and what a medical officer has come down to him requesting. It had intrigued him as he had never heard of Ayurvedic medicine, or any uses for something like a rose petal.

Elegy smiled sweetly at what Finn had said, and he folded his hands over his heart. "Maybe all of our shift start meetings would benefit from smelling those roses," Elegy said.

"You will only have them for a few more days, Sir. They are being used for medicinal purposes soon." Finn explained finding himself smiling back at the older man before he glanced at Sloan. He had not thought of anything that the man could do. Was that his job? Was he meant to be doing that? Or was Nascimento meant to do that and he was just meant to check that it was done and the man did not wander off.

"What a shame," Elegy said, although it came out a little flatly. As much as he appreciated the flowers for their intrinsic beauty, he truly had no arguments about their utility. Way out where they were, the crew had no access to hospitals or bases; whatever it took to keep the crew healthy was a win to Elegy. "You're right, Jones," Elegy said. He raised his PADD to chest level and he scrolled through the text on the screen. "You and Sloan will be assigned to collecting the petals in a couple of days. But on this day, today's mission is gonna be way more fun than that."



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