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Collision Course

Posted on Sun May 2nd, 2021 @ 3:55pm by Ensign Elegy Nascimento

Mission: Mission 4 - Eden
Location: Deck C - Corridor Sector 25
Timeline: Day 161 - 22:50
603 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

As much as his Jupiter Station tank top and workout shorts left him unrestricted in his movements, Elegy Nascimento's gait didn't feel quite right. In the earliest days of their diplomatic mission into Xindi space, Elegy's nightly runs from one end of the ship to another could have been counted on like clockwork. In the past few weeks, his patterns had changed abruptly, and Elegy had taken to only sweating in the gymnasium. On this night, though, he was out for a jog again, somewhere between the deuterium pumps and the water recycling systems. In his discomfort at a tight left hip, he wasn't paying attention as he rounded a corner from a radial corridor to a concentric corridor, and he nearly plowed right through Ensign Elspeth McArthur.

Elf looked up groaning from her place on the deck plating. "Honk before turning blind corners!" she groused at the person above her.

Before he could fully register what happened, Elegy was already reacting to Elspeth McArthur's instruction that he should honk. "Like a goose?" Elegy asked, his voice going up at the end with incredulity. Less than a heartbeat later, Elegy squatted to the deck and he offered Elf a hand up. "I'm so sorry," he said, cringing in sympathy pain. "How do you feel?"

"Run over" she quipped, her accent clear as she dusted herself off. "Seeing you have already bumped into me" she said as he helped her up. "I am Elspeth."

"I'm Elegy, clumsy so-and-so," he said, introducing himself in return when he joined Elspeth at his full height. Elegy patted himself on the chest, as he said, "I work in the Science department on the overnight shift. When they let me operate the scanners, I think I've seen you at the helm?"

"Yeah that would be me" Elf smiled. "When the boss lady lets me near the controls." she added.

As his lips curled into an expression of excitement, Elegy's sapphire eyes lit up like lightning. "Excuse me if I'm being too forward. I'll admit I've never asked anyone this before..." Elegy said. For all his apologetic preamble, there was a delight in Elegy's curiosity that betrayed he wasn't about to hold back. Leaning slightly forwards, Elegy asked, "What does it feel like to fly such a massive vessel?"

"Its great. I have flown shuttle pods prior to this but the Atlantis is a lot more in piloting. it takes a lot more concentration and its fun. She responds to the controls very well." Elf's face had lit up as she spoke.

Shaking his head slightly, Elegy admitted, "I can't even imagine. I haven't done much flying outside a simulator." He hooked a thumb in the direction Elf had been running and he nodded to ask if she wanted to pick up where she left off. "Growing up," Elegy asked, responding to she shift in Elf's energy, "Did you always want to fly starships?

"I wanted to explore" She said as they turned to continue running. "Admiral Forest.. well he was not an admiral then of course, but he came to my school, did a talk. I was hooked." she added with a grin. "And piloting, well, ships always need pilots"

"Always do," Elegy agreed emphatically. He took in a deep breath as he moved his legs to keep apace with Elf. "With such a long route home," Elegy added, "and with your talents, you've got more job security than any of us!"

"well I am one of a group of pilots. I think we all have job security though with this trip" she said brightly.


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