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Running Into You

Posted on Wed Oct 23rd, 2019 @ 3:33pm by
Edited on on Wed Oct 23rd, 2019 @ 6:43pm

Mission: Mission 2 - Fallout
490 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Ben returned to his quarters after a long shift at helm. Waiting for him when he got there, was a message on the computer screen announcing rationing. He knew it was coming, so he wasn't surprised, and he's sure many of the crew were caught off guard.
He was too wired to go to sleep, so he started doing some exercises.
100 pushups.
100 situps.
And 90 pullups, on a bar he installed in his quarters.....30 two handed....30 left handed....30 right handed.

In her quarters, Maryln was not happy with the way things had gone for her. She agreed to be posted here when she was told it would be a temporary posting....2 - 3 months, at the most.
Now the ship was stranded halfway across the galaxy.
She'll never see Earth again.

Ben put on his sweat pants and a tee shirt, left his quarters, and started running. So he ran...and ran...until he did 3 complete laps around the deck. Then he took the lift to the next deck, and started running.

Maryln was depressed, so she decided to go to the science lab, maybe that would take her mind off things. She opened her quarters door and stepped out......

Ben was in a runner's high......pushing his body to the maximum......and when he turned the corner.....

He ran right into someone, knocking them both down.

His momentum had carried him into a bulk head, but he got up as soon as he could get his feet under him, and went to the person he collided with. "Are you alright? I didn't expect anyone to be out this time of night." He helped the he saw that he ran into a woman, and a pretty one at that. "Is anything broken?"

Maryln wasn't angry, she was more embarrassed then anything else. "No, nothings broken, except maybe my pride." She looked at him and smiled. ~God he's handsome~ she thought to herself. "All my fault, I wasn't watching where I was going." She held out a hand, and he took her hand and helped her up.

"No.....totally my fault. I'm Ben......"

"I'm Maryln."

"You're the scientist we took aboard before leaving spacedock. I'm one of the helmsman."

"Yea...that's me....a scientist....thought this would be a short assignment...little did I know...."

"We're all in the same boat. But I'm sure the captain will try to get us home. Let me make this up to about we have dinner together on evening?"

She hesitated, but replied, "Why not? Let me know when you have a free night."

"You're on." he replied. "Well, I should get back to my quarters. I want to say "nice running into you", but I'm not sure this applies."

"It's alright, no damage."

"Night." He looked at her for a second, then turned and headed off.

Maryln watched him walk down the corridor. "Maybe this trip won't be so bad after all."


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