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Finn Jones Talking

Posted on Mon Dec 27th, 2021 @ 10:46pm by Crewman Finn Jones & Ensign Nuna Lepine

Mission: Mission 5 - Babel
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: Day 273 17:00
874 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Finn Jones was enjoying the ship and the space that some of the crew being on the planet offered. He looked around the mess hall and sat down at an empty table and sighed happily looking at the chicken noodles he had. Food had gotten so much better since the chef had woken up but the real reason for his happiness was the fact he was getting out of hydroponics more and more as others did some of his duties. He had even slept in his quarters for a few nights now despite the loss of his roommates and the deep pain he had felt going into the room. It had not been as bad as he thought it would have been as someone had packed away their belongings just leaving his items there. It would not be long until he had another roommate he was sure, people would need to eventually spread out a bit now that he was feeling better.

Ensign Lepine walked in carrying an old style paper notebook and ink pen. It was not that she had a distrust of electronics. Rather, the more advanced electronics weren't as durable in the rougher terrain that Nuna had spent a good deal of her childhood in. So she had just gotten in the habit of using more primitive methods when making supply lists.

Nuna had been going over the checklist of the gear she was going to need for her upcoming spelunking venture. Satisfied she had everything she needed, Nuna tucked the pad under her arm and made her way to the serving line.

The crewman was oblivious that the room was filling up until he saw someone standing opposite him holding a tray but dropping a notepad. He moved from his chair to pick it up offering it out to the officer. “Yours ma’am.” He conceded thinking she was the only person still onboard that had paper note PaDD. Even his had ran out last months.

Nuna had just finished going through the serving line and was looking for an empty table. She had tucked her notepad under the tray, thinking it secure, when it slipped out of her hand. A nearby crewman leapt from his chair as she was walking by, grabbing the pad and handing it to her. Nuna, remaining standing, temporarily set just her tray down to take the pad, nodding a quiet thanks to the crewman. She rearranged the contents of her tray so she could place the 8 cm by 13 cm notepad securely on top of her tray. She nodded a silent thank you once again as she picked up the tray and scanned around the mess hall for an empty table to sit down at.

“More than welcome to join me Ma’am. I will be leaving soon to attend to hydroponics before going to bed.” Finn said kindly as he sat back down to finish his herbal tea. It was a perfect blend that he had created himself from the herb plants in hydroponics as the herbal plants were growing vastly non number it would soon be needed to trim them back.

Point of fact, Nuna didn't want to sit across from Crewman Jones, and would not have voluntarily done so. It was nothing personal against Jones. Nuna didn't care to eat in the company of anyone she didn't know well, unless circumstances prevented her from eating alone. Since Nuna did not socialize well, at present, there was no one on the Atlantis she felt comfortable enough to eat with.

Unfortunately, the crewman's invitation put her on the spot. With the invitation coupled with the crewman's promise of his imminent departure, Nuna felt compelled to take the proffered seat. Giving Jones yet another silent nod, Nuna took the seat across from him.

Finn frowned. The woman was quieter than him and sighed just glad he was in the seat where he could stare out the window. He finally took the hint that she really did not like having conversations or making small talk but even he knew that she needed to. They had been our there for nine months with only the seventy people on board. "You know Ma'am after nearly a year we should be able to at least make conversation with each other." He suggested offering out a canister to her. "I have been making herbal teas out of the plants."

"No thank you, Crewman," Nuna replied. The science officer was about to turn her attention, but paused long enough to add, "Your gesture is appreciated," before she focused on her food.

“At you wish Ma’am.” Finn pursed his lips together and shook his head starting to gather his things together. She was not going to get anywhere if she did not talk or at least attempt to stop isolating herself. He tried and luckily for him crew saw it but rebutting attempts got no one anywhere. He almost wondered if Darru had attempted to set her up with someone with his genetic matching. He almost asked but thought better of it.

Nanu gave the crewman one last nod as he gathered up his things before returning her attention back to the list of spelunking supplies she was going to need.


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