Soul Food Part 1
Posted on Thu Dec 23rd, 2021 @ 6:48pm by Captain Bethsabée Leroux
Mission 5 - Babel
Location: Unknown Planet
Timeline: Day 275 15:00
2363 words - 4.7 OF Standard Post Measure
Beth was enjoying the planet to say the least, it was almost making her reluctant to go back to the Ship in the next few hours to allow another senior officer to come down to the planet to get some fresh air and some vitamin d that did not come in a hypo spray for once. It was hard to believe 90% of the vitamin D that human bodies needed had to come from getting out in the sunlight and only 10 percent is from their diet. Neither was always possible.
She looked around the base camp and smiled at the lack of people there as everyone else was off exploring the planet making the most of what they had offered before they had to carry on towards Earth and home. At least she was still there in the sunlight instead of one of the strange twilight periods or night.
Taking in a deep breath of air as he stepped out of the shuttlepod, with a backpack in tow, Kyle enjoyed the fresh air and real sunlight hitting his skin as he was dressed in brown boots, tan cargo pants and a green t-shirt. His attention soon turned to the attractive figure belonging to Captain Leroux. He paused, looking at her as he recalled Lieutenant Darru's conversation with him a few days ago. 'Well, let's see how this goes,' he thought to himself as he began to make his way over to her. "Greetings, Captain," he spoke as he waved and smiled.
The woman turned at the sudden greeting and put a hand over her eyes to be able to see properly who it was. “Oh… hello Kyle.” She greeted not entirely sure if she should greet him professionally or personally. With him only having just woken from his coma it was difficult. When he had been awake last Leah Morgan had been Captain, the ship had been on a diplomatic mission and they had not been 150 years from home. It was a lot to take in. “How are you doing?”
"I'm good, all things considering," he said as he stopped a few feet from her. "Thought I would come down and see what kinds of food and ingredients I could find. What about you? Enjoying the planet?" Everything was still new to him but lately he had thrown himself into his work to keep his mind occupied.
“I am not sure what there is around, but I am sure the science department will not steer you wrong.” Beth was sure of Elegy and the others were looking into what resources could be used to extend what they already have from the Cealetis. “I am glad to hear that, but you know if you need to talk there are many people onboard, right?” Beth said with a small smile.
"We have counselors aboard?" Kyle questioned, tilting his head slightly. He wasn't a big fan on talking about feelings--he hated admitting to others that things bothered him as often the crew went to the chef for advice--at least they had aboard the Mars. It had half the crew compliment of the Atlantis, though the cook of the Mars often gave crappy advice.
“No. But we have a chief medical officer and a captain who knows a thing or two after the last nine months. Not a bad starting point if you need to discuss things. You have not had an easy time of it all.” Beth offered with a small shrug as she moved to pick up one of the boxes to be transported back to the ship.
"I'll get that for you," Kyle offered, holding up a hand upon seeing her move to pick up one of the boxes. "Nine months..." he repeated, trailing off as his mind went to his family. He had been out that entire time. Missed so much. His mind began to go to his younger sister Kate. Last he had heard, she was in her last year at the Academy.
“Hey..” Beth said gently putting her hand over his for a moment as she saw him trail off into his thoughts. She knew that look and knew it well. She wished she could take the pain that the man was feeling away but it was hard when they were nine months ahead of him in the grieving process.
Letting out a sigh, Kyle cleared his throat before speaking. "Thank, where do these boxes go? The shuttlepod?"he asked in attempt to change the subject.
Beth nodded and took a step back. “Just the camp. I will take these ones and you can take those ones.” She said taking the boxes from the shuttlepod leading to where the camp had been set up. “Your home for a little bit.”
Kyle stepped alongside Beth as they walked towards the camp. "So, anything interesting about this place other than that tower?" he gestured in the direction of the lone ominous tower near the camp.
“Nothing. It is a structure with nothing but stairs and symbols. It has an amazing view across the planet.” She revealed putting the box down and started pull out supplies inside. It was basic camp supplies apart from what Beth had requested from the left-over sweets and candy from Earth.
"Hmmm," he began as he looked at some of the supplies before holding up a pouch of dried pasta. "Oh, come on! This is torture! Good thing I'm here to make something edible for everyone," he commented with a grin.
“You forget how much stores we lost in the original days.” Beth said with a small smile. 90% of the stores has been irradiated. “And the food has not been that bad.” Beth muttered. “Definitely improved recently.”
Kyle smiled at the comment, placing the pouch of dried pasta back. "Thanks. It's the least I can do for everyone...especially you, Captain." As he looked at her, maybe Darru wasn't as crazy as he had heard from the crew regarding his experiment.
“Me?” Beth asked as she pulled out the candy and put it on the nearest tables. She wanted it gone at a time that it would improve as many people's moods as possible. “I am fine. Tired but fine. Getting too old to camp.” She laughed a little as she thought about how most of the crew would scoff at her.
Cranston, unable to help himself laughed at the comment. "You are hardly too old for anything. And yes, you need to relax and recuperate from everything that has happened. So, cooking decent food is the least I can do for you and the crew."
“Feel it today.” Beth chuckled. She felt well older than 33. It was hard to think on that she was that old at the moment the last nine months had aged her in her opinion. “I am trying Chef.” She teased just a little. The fresh air had done wonders for her mental health as well as doing something like studying symbols in the tower.
"Well, I'm no doctor but I can see that getting away from the ship is doing you and everyone else some good, so why not stay?" he offered. "I could use the company and you can tell me what you discovered about this planet other than that strange tower," she jutted his thumb at the nearby structure. "Feel like the thing is watching us...reminds me of a song."
“Because other people deserve that opportunity to get away from the ship.” Beth could not use her privileges with the crew as strung out as they were at the moment. It did not make her a good leader in the slightest. “Along the watchtower?” She questioned with a small laugh. It was a song she knew, and she had found herself humming it often.
Kyle smiled at Beth and nodded. "That's it! So, you have at least a decent taste in music," he teased. "But I cannot in good conscious allow you to leave before having something to eat first. Chef's orders."
“I am French. I have decent taste in everything.” The woman commented without a hint of hesitation. It was just a fact of the matter. Beth shrugged. “Okay Chef what are you cooking?” She asked finishing her unloading of boxes for the crew who would be on the planet for the next couple of days.
Kyle admired her confidence. "Well, being French and all, I shall aim to please. How about Cassoulet? I believe I can whip up a pot with what is here," he gestured to the boxes.
Beth looked around feeling a strange sense that she was getting special treatment but did not quite know how to handle it. "Maybe call it stew for everyone else." She suggested but nodded. It would be nice to have something familiar. She knew that man could cook, it had been why Leah had wanted him onboard. She wanted decent food, and she could not help but smile at the fact the woman had good taste in food if not men.
Kyle smiled. "Nonsense," he looked at the nearby stove and table they had set up--it had mostly been used to make coffee and heat field rations. He then began to sort through the food packets, grabbing the ingredients he would need. "Calling my Cassoulet a simple stew would be degrading," he winked at the woman before turning to begin preparing the meal.
“Your choice chef.” Beth said shaking her head at the wink. It was what her best friend had done when he worked in London - named food with standard names to get people to eat it. He wanted to bring food to everyone but he had learnt at a young age that fancy names put people off.
"Call me Kyle," she said with a shrug as he picked up a nearby pot, moving it to the stove. "Chef is so informal. What's next? Reinstate me to Active Duty and address me as Lieutenant Chef?" he joked.
“I could Kyle.” Beth offered with a smirk as she leaned on the table looking at the man. “Lieutenant Chef has a nice ring to it.” She mused saying it a few times in different languages. “I think it is best in standard.”
Laughing as he began to heat the water, and dump the ingredients into the pot, he turned to her. "So just how many languages do you know?"
“Enough that when I sleep, I mix languages up when I sleep talk.” It was a melting pot sometimes especially when she was trying to learn other languages for people onboard who had no one else to speak to in their native language. Everyone deserved to have someone to speak to.
"Really?" he questioned as he stirred the pot. He soon turned and made his way back over to her and sat down as it would take about a half hour for the food to cook. "Then you're probably the smartest Starfleet Captain that I know." 'And the most beautiful,' he added as an afterthought.
Beth laughed softly as the man questioned her and nodded quickly. It had been hard when her husband had been alive and she knew just Earth Language when you added in her skills with alien languages now it was no surprise really. "Really." She confirmed. "Well I cannot say it is a large pot of Starfleet Captains so I will take the compliment." She ducked her head in thanks.
"You're quite welcome," he replied, grinning. "Well, we have about thirty minutes until the Cassoulet is done." He took a breath before looking at her. "So, are you aware of Lieutenant Darru's social experiment?"
“Stew.” Beth commented as she looked at the stove and the fire pit as she heard the words Darru and experiments. Of course, she was aware but it was keeping one of the smartest people on the ship with a project. She knew some people did not believe in it, but Beth could see the logic. “I am indeed aware. Has he affected you? Are you wanting to complain?” Beth wondered. This was normally how the conversation went once the man was mentioned.
"You know, if you keep insulting my Cassoulet, I'll stick you with field rations," he threatened with a grin and pointing a finger at her. "But no, I have no complaints about Lieutenant Darru other than he can lighten up a bit. But he did have an interesting...conclusion to give me, however."
"Pfft threatening the Captain Lieutenant Chef... Shame." The Captain said with a smirk before laughing. She was pretty sure that every pairing was unique and interesting to the vast majority of people. "I think everyone has had an interesting match if I am honest. It is not something the vast majority of people onboard had most likely considered before all of this." Beth knew she had not considered anything like children again since she had lost her husband.
"Well, I doubt they have been as interesting as mine," he paused before looking at her, wondering briefly if he should tell her but knowing this woman, she would likely find out eventually. "It was you," he shrugged while grinning.
Whatever Beth had been considering as to how the conversation continued it had not been that at all. Darru was playing an interesting game to say the least. “Oh well not sure who is luckier.” She mused.
Kyle raised an eyebrow at the response--it hadn't been one he had been expecting. He had half expected the captain to run for the shuttle pod. "Well, you're definitely a pleasant surprise. I'd think you would scoff at the idea."
“Oh I am Lieutenant Chef but…” Beth stopped as an Engineer appeared behind the table that had been being used enquiring about food. Beth smiled and turned to the man. “We can discuss this another time.” She said with a smiled standing up to make a swift exit.
Kyle cocked his head to the side slightly as he weighed the captain's words. "Oh I intend to," he smiled before turning to the engineer. "Hold your horses. It will be a few more minutes."