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Breakfast is served

Posted on Sat Jan 15th, 2022 @ 3:48am by Captain Bethsabée Leroux

Mission: Mission 5 - Babel
Location: E Deck
Timeline: Day 277 0700 Hours
1557 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Having returned from the ship late the previous night, Kyle walked down the nearly empty corridors of E Deck. Since most of the ship was given leave, those on duty took turns going to the surface, leaving only a skeletal crew at post at any given time. In his hand, he carried a covered pate that contained an old-fashioned omelet and bacon recipe with a cup of coffee. He approached the door marked Captain Bethsabee Leroux. In honesty, he had enjoyed her company so maybe that uptight vulcan, Lieutenant Darru wasn't too crazy with his pairing. With the hand holding the coffee, he pressed the door chime and waited.

Beth had been snuggled in a ball of dreams where she was lying on a grassy hill with the sun streaming down on her when the first chime hit her. She only woke with the second and sat up with the third calling out for the person to enter as she grabbed the nearest hoodie to pulling it over her vest top as the door opened. She looked at the alarm clock on her shelf amazed that she had slept twelve hours without disturbance.

"Oh, I didn't mean to wake you, Captain. I thought I would bring you some breakfast this morning," he gestured indicating to the tray and cup of coffee in his hands. "Should I come back another time? Or I can just leave this here for you if you want," he shrugged.

“I… I did not expect this.” Beth had just gotten the hoodie over to cover her a bit when the man walked in. Some Captains she had seen expected that type of behaviour in the olden times to be waited on hand and foot but not her. She was fully capable of getting her own meals. She did not even have a yeoman anymore as she was needed else where on the ship. “You are bringing coffee you can stay. I am normally up at the gym and in mess hall by now.” She admitted taking the error as her own when he was doing something kind in bringing her food.

"I know you didn't expect it. That's kind of the point," he grinned as he set the food and coffee down on a table near her. She was beautiful even having just woken up. "Thought I would save you the trip to the mess hall and give you a chance to relax some this morning. So here's to almost breakfast in bed," he joked. "Did you sleep well?"

“But…” she started to argue but stopped herself as for once accepted that something nice was happening. She ran a hand through her hair trying to tame the curls that early and to get it out of the hoodie. “That is very kind of us.” She murmured sitting up better making sure the dulvet covered her enough as she leant over for the coffee. “Thank you. I did actually 12 hours. I must have been exhausted.” She vaguely remembered coming in but after that it was a blank.

"Wow, I'd say so. I don't think I've ever slept that long," he admitted. "Surprised the ship didn't blow up because you weren't on the bridge," he chuckled, knowing some Starfleet captains pushed themselves too hard and then there were others who left him wondering how they made it past Ensign.

Beth was wondering that herself especially with a skeleton crew onboard, but she was not going to look a gift horse in a mouth. “Been a long time since I’ve slept properly.” She said thoughtfully as she cradled the coffee she had.

"Why is that? Can't be just because I wasn't around to cook," Kyle grinned as he watched the woman take a sip of the coffee. He couldn't imagine what the majority of this crew had gone through. The XO seemed reserved and not the high-spirited woman he had seen at the launch of the mission. She had been Assistant Helmsman then.

“So much has happened.” Beth said simply. She tried to not think on the specifics but there was so much. “So much heartache in nine months.” She admitted moving her legs and indicated that there was space for him to sit down instead of being stood there.

Taking the gesture, Kyle moved to sit down next to Beth as she ate. "Sorry I wasn't around to help," he said sincerely, looking at her. "But the ship and crew are still here, and you don't have to suffer through those horrible field rations and resequencers now that I'm around," he joked in an attempt to lighten her mood.

"It was not so bad. We were lucky to find protein for the resequencers just in time." She said wishing it had not cost them what it did nor the Vrav. She knew they were still out there but she hoped the protein resequencer was helping them thrive as well. They did not deserve to die just as much as the crew of the Atlantis did not. It was a bargain Beth was glad to make to get them away from them. "You got hurt, Kyle. I am just relieved that you did not die and that eventually, you woke up." Beth admitted. It had not been nice not knowing what to do to help the people in a coma.

"Well, I have been told that I am stubborn and hard-headed," he joked, shrugging. "You know, it was like I just woke up but still very disorienting to know that the last thing I remember before waking up was nine months ago. But I'm getting used to it. Don't be so hard on yourself, Beth," he grinned.

"Must have been hard-headed to survive that knock to it." She knew he was joking but she appreciated the attempt from him to try and lighten her mood and load. It was hard for the person at the top and not many people were willing to attempt to break through her barrier. She could count on one hand the people onboard who she would let. "I have to be. We would stop if I did not push myself." She said knowing if the rest of the people on the very small list heard her talking like that, they would be telling her off.

"Do you really believe that?" he asked. "I haven't been awake too long but from what I've seen is that this crew is capable, and you seem to have a good XO to help relieve your burdens. I thought that's what XOs were for anyway," he smiled at her. "You can't be afraid to let others help you and be there for you."

“I am not afraid to let anyone take the burden but there has to be a line where it stops with me. Leading means sometimes you have to be the one to be strong. Some things people cannot help with.” She surmised trying to explain to someone who would not call her out.

"Like what? There is a fine line between being strong and being stubborn. What can't anyone be able to help you out with?" he questioned.

"Oh, I am fully aware there is a very fine line and I cross between them both often but there is a big difference between what we had back home and what needs to be done out here." Beth looked at him and frowned. She could just see how stubborn he was himself. "You really are not going to let this lie are you?" She wondered taking a bite of the toast.

He grinned as he looked back at her. "Not a chance. You need someone to turn to that can give advice without worrying about pissing off the captain due to rank structure."

Beth shook her head. She could really do with that, but she was stubborn and kept it inside of her. It was one of her worst qualities that had been magnified by the change in the situation with them being so far from home. It magnified the good and bad in everyone. "You are still under my command though Lieutenant Chef." She teased before taking a sip of the coffee. "This is really good coffee by the way."

Kyle shrugged. "Of course it is. I made it," he boasted. "Look," he said placing a hand her shoulder. "I'm here for you, no matter how hard you fight it."

Beth froze at the touch but eventually relaxed and nodded. “You make good coffee.” She agreed to his first statement. She really did not not know what to say about the second comment. It was not something she was used to Michael and Avira were the only people she had thought were that. But maybe she had more people on her side wanting to help after all.

Taking her silence on his second comment as her answer, he gave a lopsided grin. "I'll leave you to your meal. You know where to find me if you want to talk," he stood.

Beth nodded at him. She appreciated all his thoughts around her even if it was misplaced thanks to Darru. She was going to have to have words with the man as she was not meant to be in the mix. "Thank you for this.” She called after him as he left.


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