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An issue to meditate on

Posted on Mon Feb 21st, 2022 @ 3:30am by Lieutenant Darru & Petty Officer, 3rd Class Lottie Daglish & Captain Stenn
Edited on on Mon Feb 21st, 2022 @ 9:11am

Mission: Mission 5 - Babel
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Day 271
1155 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Darru was not one to worry but the situation that he was going into was not one he had prepared for but his fellow Vulcan needed him and the potential support and security that he could provide. It was not something that he had considered to ever be an option as the days ticked away. He had not had another Vulcan to speak to in so long that he was sure that the man would notice how he had adapted far to easy to the humans and was almost enjoying his time among them even if he was practically studying them for his own sake. He opened the hatch into sickbay and looked around inspecting the space for what he was going into.

“Good Morning Petty Officer Daglish. How are you?” He had been working on his human niceties the last week or so. Lottie turned at the voice and nodded not having expected the interaction with the Vulcan but he had always been a bit unusual compared to the other Vulcans onboard.

“Very well Lieutenant,” Lottie answered. “He is just in the corner behind the screen.” She had brought the screen in to give Stenn a little more privacy. Darru nodded and moved over to it tapping on the material to let the man know he was then. “Captain, you requested me to visit?”

Stenn had been laying back, quietly reviewing events and the revelations of the current situation.

He sat up and opened his eyes hearing Darru's voice. Although he got along well with Humans it was comforting to see one of his own species.

"Greetings Darru" He had dropped into Vulcan. "Thank you for coming. I understand there have been significant events while I was... indisposed"

“Very many events and far to many to explain in one conversation.” Darru started to explain the events that led them to being 150 years from home in the first place. “We never found out what brought us here.” He admitted with the majority of the science team killed nothing after it had not been a priority.

"Do you have an explanation of how the ship was transported this far away?" Stenn asked. "In the Vulcan Fleet there was discussion of the theoretical possibility of spacial wormholes, that may link distant parts of space together, but none had been found to my knowledge. Could the Atlantis have encountered one?"

“We have no knowledge of what event brought by us here. We drifted after the event which left Captain Morgan dead and her Executive Officer in charge.” Darru explain sitting on the bio bed next to him and he started to explain.

"Have you been able to confirm this position on your copy of our own star carts?" Stenn asked, believing the Science Officer would have a copy of Vulcan charts.

“Yes but it was not needed.” Darru assured. The crew had done a good job of confirming where they were all by themselves before the science team even got a chance to look at it all.

They discussed the situation further and moved on to related topics. 'If the journey back takes as long as expected, it is unlikely this vessel would survive even half that time" The most modern designs of Vulcan craft still required extensive maintenance at intervals of no more than five years. They both knew the Atlantis was far inferior to Vulcan craft. "Further craft would be needed to complete the voyage or it may be that we must find a suitable planet to live on" Stenn noted

Darru nodded. It had all been discussed many times but the ship was going to try and return home and there were people onboard already thinking ahead like himself to how they could manage 150 years. “I would suggest you do not concern yourself about that right now Captain.” He was not even going to mention the Ship from the future they had stumbled on and used for supplies. He would learn about it soon enough. There were much bigger issues before that.

As their talk concluded Stenn had a final question, one he could only cover with a fellow Vulcan. "Might I enquire, as to when you expect your next Pon Farr?"

Darru stood and looked at the man. That was a delicate question for the younger man and one he asked himself often. “Unknown.” He admitted. He could go into how his wife had died on his wedding night so he was not sure what effects that would have. “Yourself?” He asked back turning it back on him.

"Approximately a year, within fifteen months certainly" Stenn replied. They both knew it would be a difficult, possibly fatal experience for them if they remained in their current situation.

Vulcans normally found it inappropriate to involve themselves with another's pon farr or discuss it but with limited options, it left neither with many choices. “Are you betrothed?” Darru wondered. It would help if the man was not but you just did not know these things.

"Once, but no longer" Stenn replied. He had been intended for a marriage with a daughter of a family previously associated with the High Command. His sister's early membership of the Syrannites had caused a rift and that family had withdrawn from the agreement. Another reason his Mother and Sister no longer communicated. It was of interest that now that his sister and T'Pau were in the interim government that family had sought to rekindle the arrangement, Stenn had declined.

The man nodded once. Heart defects and Koon-ut-kal-if-fee went hand in hand sometimes and V'lin had known her risk but had wanted to continue. "I do not know what an incomplete Koon-ut-kal-if-fee will cause but I am prepared best I can be." Darru was not sure how but he was sure that he would survive it.

Stenn nodded. It was an important but private matter, one not shared with non-Vulcans. It may be that they would require the assistance of Doctor zh'Kenarh. He was not sure how either himself or Darru would take to sharing such personnel details with an Andorian.

"Logic and emotional control must be our foundation," He said to Darru. "When the time comes we must prepare as best we are able and endure what must be overcome"

Darru just simply nodded. He had been not thinking on it purposely but now it was front and centre in his mind. it would be the only thing he would be thinking on now. There were too many viable but the biggest issue they were too far away from Vulcan.

"Our conversation has given me much to mediate on. Your visit was appreciated"

Darru nodded from his perch taking the mans words as his hint to leave. "I will leave you to rest Captain but will stay on board whilst my duties allow if you need more discussion." Darru confirmed. He had lots to add to his own mediation now.


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