Being XO
Posted on Tue Apr 5th, 2022 @ 9:37pm by Lieutenant Samantha Leyton
Mission 5 - Babel
Location: Bridge; NX Atlantis
Timeline: Day 281; 1625 Hours
786 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure
Stars streaked by on the viewscreen as Samantha sat in the Command Chair. The Captain had retired early, still being tired from the previous day's event regarding the tower. She didn't blame her--the reports from the Away Team read like something out of some fantasy sci-fi novel. 'Seriously...a sentient building that trapped us because it was lonely,' she thought with a sigh. That was something they definitely don't prepare you for in the Academy, or anywhere for that matter.
The ship began to shudder at the moment. Her eyes immediately went to the ensign as the Helm Station. "What's going on?"
"Not sure, ma'am," the human female ensign replied, her blonde hair worn up in a bun per regulations as she franticly looked over her console.
With a few steps, Leyton looked over the woman's shoulders at the readouts on the console. She immediately spotted the issue. letting out a frustrated sigh. "The Starboard nacelle's warp field is out of alignment with the port nacelle. She leaned over and tapped a few buttons as the shuddering faded and the ship began to fly smooth again. Ensign Williams, I know you're not initially a helmsman, but you had better read up on the basics of Warp travel. A freshman in the Academy should have been able to diagnose that issue. Send a message to engineering to have them check on the warp coils--they likely need to be recalibrated." The helm department was the smallest aboard the ship and also hurting the most with the crew losses thus far and therefore, had been forced to recruit from other departments to make up for it.
"Aye, ma'am," the woman said, sounding down as she tapped a few buttons on the console to send the report to engineering.
With Alpha Shift coming to a close, as the Beta Shift crew entered the bridge from the turbolift. Samantha turned to greet the lieutenant taking over as the Officer of the Deck. "We're maintaining Warp Factor Two on course two one five mark zero four five. We just fixed a misalignment of the warp fields. Engineering was notified and the ship is running smooth," she gave the report.
"Aye ma'am. Beta shift will now assume command of the watch," the lieutenant replied.
"Alpha watch stands relieved," Samantha nodded before heading to the turbolift before being accompanied by Ensign Williams that had manned the helm console. She selected E Deck as the doors closed. The turbolift began to move towards it's destination. The ensign turned to face Samantha. "Ma'am, I'm sorry about not spotting the issue but I was trained to be a Armory Officer, not fly ships."
"We all have to adapt to new roles, ensign, just as I am adapting to being the XO. Helm isn't as easy or simple as many think. You need to recognize and react to problems instantly. Especially when traveling at Warp, where the slightest issue can become catastrophic," Samantha explained as the lift came to a halt and the doors slid open. Ensign Williams walked out with Leyton as they headed towards the Mess Hall. "Helm is more about being proactive rather than being reactive. Your navigation planning has to thorough and you have to keep an eye on your navigation sensor display as well as system readouts. Having a basic understanding of engineering helps as well, so you need to start studying."
"I will, ma'am," Williams stated as they entered the Mess Hall. Williams moved off to grab some food from the line as Leyton watched her.
"Is she going to make it?" came the voice of Kyle Cranston as she stepped out from the galley, wearing an apron and wiping his hands on a towel he carried.
"I don't know," Smantha replied, honestly.
"Williams is a good officer. Everyone on the ship is. You need to put your trust and faith in them. They'll perform better if they know that they have your confidence," Cranston stated, tossing the towel onto his shoulder.
Leyton shook her head, letting out a sigh. "I hate being XO. I much rather just fly."
"Perhaps, but the captain wouldn't have made you XO if she didn't think you were capable, and I think she made the right choice. "Leading is about teaching others and leading by example. Trust those under you," Cranston continued, giving Samantha a slight squeeze on her right shoulder. "Do that, and they will follow you into the gates of hell."
"Thanks Kyle," Samantha said, smiling before making her way over to the food line. "So what's on the menu for today?"
"Chicken a la king is the main course. Enjoy," Cranston replied as he made his way back to the galley, grinning.