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Posted on Wed Nov 6th, 2019 @ 11:18pm by Ensign Michael Sloan & Major Samuel King

Mission: Mission 1 - One Step forward
Location: Shuttle Bay
Timeline: Day Before the Jump
351 words - 0.7 OF Standard Post Measure

The shuttle pod door opened and Minna gently stepped out, doing her best to avoid avoid putting weight or lateral forces on her currently unbraced left knee. She'd only been on board the tiny craft for fifteen minutes, but already the knee had stiffened enough to make the movement difficult and uncomfortable, but a display of weakness or disability wouldn't do for a first impression to her new ship's captain or MACO detachment commander. Gunny Rhodes would no doubt see the awkwardness of her newly learned gait immediately, but she knew he could be trusted to keep it to himself.

She gingerly walked down the rank and walked smartly, if a bit stiffly up to the captain, came to a position of attention and saluted. "Sergeant Minna Chang, reporting for duty."

Starfleet was much less formal than the MACOS were, yet Leah still knew that returning the salute of an enlisted Marine was not good protocol. Instead, Captain Morgan offered a nod of greeting, "Welcome aboard, Sergeant Chang." She held back the courtesy question about how her trip to Atlantis had been until the MACO greeted her superior.

Minna then executed a stiff and painful, but precise left face and took a single step before turning and facing Major King, then again saluted.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Sir."

"Welcome back Sergeant." Sam replied crisply whilst returning the salute.

One more movement, but as was customary between NCOs she just held out a hand and spoke with a smile. "Good to see you again Gunny."

Rhodes smiled and reciprocated the gesture. "Minna!" he said leaning in. "Knee still hurtin'?" he asked rhetorically whilst giving a little wink as he leant back.

Seeing the exchange between his two enlisted colleagues and smiled. It was nice to see them together again, and to see her reunited with them all. "Clear for duty, Sergeant?" he asked.

"Fully cleared Sir, sorry it took so long" Minna replied to the question.

"Glad to hear it!" he replied. "Now I have two of the finest Sergeants I could ask for with me for this mission."


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