Damaged Goods
Posted on Mon Nov 25th, 2019 @ 4:59pm by
Mission 1 - One Step forward
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Day before the jump
Tags: Seong
917 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure
Reporting to sickbay was something Minna had no desire to do, but while most officers had a physical before reporting to their new assignments or before departing the academy, Minna had strict orders to report to the Atlantis’s CMO immediately upon arrival.
She really wasn’t surprised given the extreme resistance she’d faced when she requested reinstatement on active MACO duty rather than accept the medical discharge she was supposed to take. That resistance had been expected on account of both the severe injuries she’d suffered during the assault on the Xindi weapon and the fact that she'd just barely six-weeks-ago learned to walk again unassisted.
There was also the fact that her husband and son were both killed during the Xindi attack in 2153 and combined with the horrific injuries she'd sustained on the final assault of the Xindi weapon, there was serious doubt she would pass the required psych evals for continued service. Pass she did, all mental and physical examinations with the only accommodation required was authorization of an external brace for her left knee.
The physical injuries were indeed horrific. Her left knee was essentially destroyed, the bones broken into so many pieces that the doctors had strongly recommended amputation and fitment of a prosthetic, but Minna insisted on conventional surgery and so the bones, tendons and ligaments of her knee were painstakingly patched together with what remained of the originals and titanium pieces to replace what could not be recovered. The rest of the leg, ankle and foot were better off, slightly, but the end result was a limb that would forever have a limited range of motion and while strong, would never be laterally stable nor free from pain.
Her left hip fared a bit better, as did her left ribs and the left side of her pelvis, shoulder and collar bone, all of which were crushed and broken, but at least not shattered. She also had a few fractures on the left side of her skull and damage to the left eye, the last of which could not be repaired and again the offer of a prosthetic was made and rejected.
Those were just the injuries from the two direct biorifle hits and one graze. She’d been shot and stabbed by Xindi and others on two other occasions during her time on Enterprise's MACO detachment in the Expanse as well.
She approached the doors to sickbay and dug deep on her inner strength to push her left knee and hip beyond their normal (reduced) range of motion and concealed her limp as she stepped in, looked around and after spotting Dr. Seong, bypassed the front desk and approached her directly. She was taller than Minna, almost as thin and pretty, though unlike Minna at least she looked like an adult. It was also obvious at first glance that she was a fellow Korean.
“I have orders from the academy to report directly to you on assignment” Minna said as she handed over her padd.
"Everyone has orders from someone to report to me," Min pointed out, taking the PaDD. "We've got a lot of illnesses and diseases that people could be unknowingly carrying." She hadn't been paying much attention to who had come through her doors unless they were going to sit in a command position. That was of no offense to the other members of the crew, everyone was important, but she had to have her priorities. "Sargent Chang... Hm hm. I think someone sent me a file ahead as well, but I haven't read it yet."
Min's eyes flashed upward to the young woman. "I have a strict policy when it comes to reading my patients' files before I see the patient. Now... other than a physical, which we'll get to shortly, is there anything specific you'd like to discuss?"
"No, not really. I've had my fill of medical bays for the last year and I'm sure once you look at my left knee, hip and eye you'll have more than enough talking points to keep up both busy."
"I'm sure your file will tell me as much as I need to know on the technical aspects of what you're going through." She was non-specific, choosing instead to focus on waving a small device over the woman and waiting for it to give it's tell-tale beep. "... Judging by the fact that you've mentioned it, have you been through physical therapy already? I assume so, but if it is something you're after, do let me know."
“Yes, I’ve been through therapy, endless therapy. I’ve just finished months in therapy, learning how to walk, things like that. Honestly, all I want is to return to duty."
"You're here, so I assume you've been cleared." The doctor gave a small shrug, eyes on the device as it completed it's motion. "And aside from whatever seems to be in your file, you're in fit condition. No odd illnesses have attached to you or anything that could potentially spread throughout the rest of the crew, so as far as I'm concerned, you're in fit condition enough for the Atlantis." She took a moment to peer into the file to confirm her findings, nodding in agreement with herself. "Yes. You'll find that I'm not going to go hound after you unless you've decided to skip out on a physical or are bleeding all over the place."
Minna smiled as she replied in her native Korean “고마워 (thank you)”.