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Captain on Board

Posted on Mon Mar 20th, 2023 @ 8:09pm by Commander Bethsabée Leroux (AU) & Captain Leah Morgan (AU)

Mission: What If?
Location: Shuttlepod Two "Aeneas", On Approach from Earth
Timeline: 14:00 MD 00
970 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

From her own spot on the Bridge of her Intrepid, she had seen the Enterprise and Columbia in person. But, the Atlantis was her ship. And it was the first in the new refit that added a whole secondary hull to the already spacious design. The Atlantis was the most beautiful site that Leah had ever seen. The shuttlepod zoomed toward the drydock from their briefings on Earth. Their mission would take them to places few Humans had ever seen. They would start by retracing Captain Archer's steps as they sought the Xindi Council. But for now, Captain Morgan only saw her ship.

"Can you believe we get to fly her out of here?" Leah asked aloud. The smile on her face told everyone that she had waited for this moment for her whole life. Placing an easy hand on the helm's shoulder, she ordered, "Take it nice and slow, you don't get to launch a brand new ship every day." Turning her head slightly to her new First Officer, Leah asked, "I hear the communications suite is next to none."

Beth nodded at the mention of the communication suite. She had seen images of the suite, but just getting to be able to touch and play with that level of technology would be amazing. It would be a dream come true for her and better than anything that she had gotten to play with before. “Will be a welcome change from the dirt and noise of a MACO camp.” Beth said quietly.

"MACOs," Leah replied with a tone that indicated that she was joking about them being different. In reality, the Xindi crisis had shown just how valuable they could be to a starship. "From what they've told us, we're disembarking before we were supposed to. The secondary hull is there but is not yet fully functional. What will be main engineering is there, but the new warp drives have not been fully tested. We will also only have a regular crew complement, the rest will arrive when we return from the Xindi Council."

“Well, that’s not overly fair when our mission is so important.” Beth had a lot to say about the fact they were only leaving her with the basics. It left her with a weird taste in my mouth, just thinking about what would happen if anything happened to the ship, but only the basics on board not everything to be fixed so easily.

Conceding, Leah replied, "I don't like it either, but orders are orders." With a reassuring tone, the Captain only halfheartedly said, "Projections are that this will be a two to three-month mission before we are recalled to drydock for completion."

“Lot could happen in that time.” Was all Beth commented the pair sharing a look between them around it. “But two months will give us time to stretch her legs of her and get to know her quirks,” Beth said trying to sound more positive.

"It also gives us a little freedom to do a little investigating while we are out there," Leah added. Exploring the unknowns of space was the primary mission of Starfleet, and it was the reason for her dedicating her life to the cause. "With the Deplhic Expanse a thing of the past, I would like to see what used to be hidden."

"Did not expect you to be a thrill seeker." Beth smiled as her gaze returned out the window and to watching the ship come into view. It was beautiful to finally see the ship that would be her new home for hopefully years to come. "She is the most beautiful ship I have ever seen," Beth admitted.

"I was a backup test pilot on the NX-Delta project," Leah pointed out with a slight chuckle. Admiring the ship, Leah could not help but agree with her first officer, "I have never seen anything like her." The Atlantis was somewhat of a miracle of Human ingenuity. It was the first of the Columbia refits to come leave drydock and was the most advanced ship in Starfleet. And she was proud to have been given the chance to take the helm of the marvel of engineering.

Beth made a Oh sound at learning that the woman was a back up test pilot for project delta. It made sense that she would be a a captain for this vessel now but it did leave Beth wondering why her as Executive Officer. “Noted that you are a thrill seeker ma’am.” Beth grinned. “Takes a lot to be beautiful to me and she certainly is. Can practically smell the new ship smell from here.”

Looking out the window, Leah pointed out the shuttlepod bay. "I suppose that is enough for the tour, the tower has probably grown tired of Captains making loops around drydock for dramatic effect," she smiled to the pilot. Looking toward Beth, Leah added, "We have much work to do to get her ready for the mission ahead. I want to assemble the crew and get a sense for what we have and what is missing. Reports can only tell you so much and are usually skewed to sound more positive than the situation actually is."

Beth nodded and the instructed the pilot to take them in. But she did offer the captain a big grin. “I can’t say I was doing it for dramatic effect. I wanted to see what the ship could do and what my new home is going to be like.” As the ship landed and they were left alone inside the shuttlepod Beth turned to the older woman. “So tell me about the senior officers?” She had seen the files but it was nothing compared to first had explanation from someone who had met and chose them.



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