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First time on planet

Posted on Wed Feb 1st, 2023 @ 1:50pm by Petty Officer, 3rd Class Callistus 'CJ' Jackson & Commander William Gerhard & Lieutenant Avira zh'Kenarh M.D. & Lieutenant JG Calanthe 'Cal' Diaz & Ensign Vincent Marlow & Chief Petty Officer Manishie Karalo

Mission: Sojurn
Location: Relea
Timeline: Day 333
1998 words - 4 OF Standard Post Measure

The city of Aoxea was built amidst the frozen lands of a bitter expanse. Its grace was only matched by the backdrop of the mighty mountains in CJ’s opinion. He could not believe it as they stepped out of the shuttle pod and they got a look around properly at the planet that they had been invited to enjoy as it was a festival. It had been impressive from the Atlantis but now that he was down below it was nothing short of impressive.

The architectural designs of the buildings mimicked the broad slopes and steep peaks of the mountain and disappeared under the surface of the ocean. The skyline was crowded with soaring skyscrapers that seemed to reach higher and higher but also deep under the planet's surface.

“Seems to be a multi-species hub, Sir,” CJ commented, glancing around and seeing not just Releaians as he looked away from the sights to take in more than the mountains and the sound of water. “They were not lying about others being here.” Hundreds of gastropubs, diners and cafés offered a plethora of culinary choices to those who felt hungry and for something else, there seemed to be sightseeing opportunities, arcades or one of the many other recreational venues.

Avira still felt weird leaving the ship, and now the shuttle, without at least a side-arm. She was told it was poor form to come armed when invited so hospitably. She was carrying her med-pack and strapped to the back she had a sheath that held her small daggerlike Chaka. It was smaller than she was usually comfortable with but the Guard had taught her to defend herself well and she felt better for taking it.

All of the paranoia and anxiety ebbed away the moment she cleared the shuttlepod's doors. The rolling white mountains around them, the cityscape jutting out of it like icicles piercing the blue sky, it immediately brought her back home. It wasn't exactly the same as Lor'Tan but it looked familiar enough for Avira to at once feel at home and immediately never more lost. Her antennae jutted around, trying to take in everything around her. The temperature, the winds, the mountain vistas. "It's beautiful."

The brig enlisted smiled as he watch Avira appreciate the scenery of it all. It really was everything the Releaians had offered so far and more in his opinion. He had not really had time to relax on the Babel world as it was referred to but here he instantly felt safe and calm. “Bit like home for you Ma’am?” He offered jumping down from the shuttle pod offering a hand to help anyone down as the sudden moisture in the air was bound to make things slippery.

"A bit." Avira nodded in confirmation, she wasn't going to focus on all the minor differences like how it felt slightly warmer here, or how the mountainranges seemed less broad. She took in a deep breath through her nose and appreciated the cold air she could breathe in.

Meanwhile Manishie was gladly taking the offered hand, with the potential for slipperyness and her leg in a brace she wasn't too big to accept some help. "Thank you CJ." She stepped up next to Avi and gave a playful push on her shoulder, "maybe we can go skiing."

"With that leg, you should be glad I didn't mark you unfit for duty, Chief." Avira looked at her through narrowed eyes, before letting up and giving a smile and leaning in, "Perhaps a sled is more your speed at the moment."

“I am not being your sledge dog is all I’m saying here and now Chief.” The petty officer answered. “My back would not cope in the slightest.” He added letting her hand go to help anyone else coming out.

William looked around at the various groups of different species before he spotted a group of that seemed to be coming towards them. He recognized them as Releaians and turned back towards his people. This would be his first away mission in command, but he didn't let his nerves get the better of him. He did feel exposed not being able to carry his sidearm, but he hoped this mission could potentially produce an ally that they desperately needed.

"Diaz, You better get the UT up and ready," he said before indicating they had company. He turned to face the group of Releaians as they approached.

It was the first reminder Cal had that there was a purpose to her presence, nay a responsibility that she was expected to fulfil. Those initial moments had been an avalanche of sensations, from the feeling of solid ground beneath her feet to the slight whiff of an actual breeze, and temperature that wasn't intentionally generated and therefore had a wild unpredictability to it that warranted exploration. She had been countless light years away, skiing down the Swiss slopes, invariably stacking it at the bottom because she'd learned how to 'go fast' before she'd learned how to 'stop'...

"Oh, right."

The frown that might normally have been shot at Gerhard was channelled instead as concentration into the task. "Give it a second."

"Your device is not needed." The first Releaian said in perfect Earth standard. "The translator on our ship has already downloaded to all devices to allow us to speak." Now that CJ could get a look at the species it was not quite how he had imagined them. Their faces and bodies did not seem to match the image he had created in his mind, they were a lot smaller but he could imagine that was security rational that was brilliant if he had ever seen one. "Welcome to Relea... crew of Atlantis. Your Captain told our Captain that you are far from home." He said formally bowing to William before looking at them sadly.

William glanced at Cal before he looked back and returned the gesture. He could feel the eyes of the other crewmembers on him as he was sure he looked awkward. returning to his standing position he cleared his throat slightly before speaking again. "That is correct. My name is Commander Gerhard, and by what name shall we call you," he asked tentatively.

“Arnav. I am an ambassador for the Releanian United Stars to anyone who comes through our systems that are new.” The Releanian explained with what looked like a smile on his face.

Regarding the equipment she held with a degree of confusion, Calanthe gradually allowed her shoulders to relax as it became very evident that her actual function wasn't going to be required. As impolite as it was to stare, the young Lieutenant found herself fixating on the Releaian as he spoke as it slowly dawned on her that, without the use of their translator, they would have limited recorded evidence of this first encounter with the alien's language for her to document later on. Not for the first time in her career, Cal longed for the simplicity of a pen and notepad.

"Keep it on," Vincent Marlow whispered to the communications officer, "it could be useful." This was the first time that he had actually set foot on an alien world since they left Earth. For a xeno-archeologist, he was used to seeing worlds with far fewer people and in a state of decay. However, that did not stop him from being amazed by what he saw. A species advanced enough to be able to support a bustling metropolis with a wider range of species gathered than he had ever seen would make them more advanced than any civilization that was on record. If they could remove the translator matrix from the recordings picked up by their own UT, he was certain that they could double the list of known alien languages.

A sideways glance saw Diaz nod just once. Nothing about the exchange had suggested that their new friends would judge it an aggressive action, simply an unnecessary one.

"But you are most welcome as our millionth ship through our sector," Arnac revealed why they were so wanting to help. "Our oceans honour your presence." He said formally bowing to William before smiling at the others.

Caught out in the midst of repowering the device in her hand, Cal blinked and smiled brightly, a split second pause being hesitation enough to leave her kicking herself within the confines of her own racing thoughts. Meeting aliens had always been potentially part of the job but it was amazing how rusty the diplomatic skills got when you were out of practise.

The millionth ship through the sector, that surely meant this was a very active region of space. Then again space was big. Unfathomably so and Avira couldn't help but wonder whether they were going to be travelling more into the heart of their sector, or empire, or territory, or if they were simply skirting it. Her antennae were working overtime to sense the environment and the beings across from them. It was always difficult to place the sensations from all her senses when meeting unfamiliar species.

"You are all most welcome here. We have arranged for rooms in our ambassador suites for anyone who wishes to enjoy the festival and there are many events organised by our royal family." Arnac carried on speaking about what was going on and why there was so much hustle and bustle around the planet.

William nodded in response. "I will be sure to pass that along to our captain Ambassador. You have my assurances that your hospitality is most appreciated. We have been traveling for a long time, but we are as explorers we look forward to experiencing everything your people have to offer," he said in his best diplomatic tone. He could feel his palms were slightly sweating, wondering if his response was appropriate.

CJ watched with interest as the smaller man bowed and indicated for the group to follow him. It was not a long walk but by the time CJ had reached the lift his mind was a whirl with everything that he was observing. It was an overload of sensations that he had not experienced in along time from the smell of what he could only describe as the yummiest smell in the universe to the different shapes and colours that the Releanians were.

All of this seemed a bit too unreal. Marlow could not help but grow suspicious of what reminded him of a sales pitch for a timeshare back on Earth at the turn of the twenty-first century. Being given aid and treated like VIPs because they just so happened to be the millionth ship through a sector just sounded like they were walking into their doom. But, like the others, he knew that there really was not much choice. For now, Vincent was just here for the culture and architecture.

The group was quiet and contemplative as they all moved through the crowds. “What do you all think?” CJ asked as the Releaniana moved ahead of the group to lead the way but no one answered. CJ could not blame them for not answering as everyone was too awe-struck as they all piled into the nearest lift and it took them down instead of up. CJ let out a soft sigh as he watched them disappear under the surface of the water. He was stunned, whatever he had seen above ground was nothing compared to underneath as he took in the coral, every species was completely different from the other. The coral was nothing compared to the structures that he could see. Hundreds, if not thousands of shapes and sizes and countless colours make the underwater world an amazing spectacle just like the frozen world above. He could now understand the expression the world is one's oyster, this planet had everything the ship could need to recoup.

Maybe they really had gotten lucky this time?


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