Now Listen Here
Posted on Sun May 3rd, 2020 @ 10:21pm by Major Samuel King
Mission 2 - Fallout
Location: MACO area
1409 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure
Min had up until this point sat on her hands while she waited for the Commanding Marine to do his medical due diligence. She had done so when she discovered there were even MACO aboard, inquiring as to whether or not they had their own physician before the Atlantis truly took off.
They did not.
She waited till she knew they were out of drydock, and even after the catastrophe of being hurtled many lightyears out of their breadth. She assumed he would eventually come to his senses and make his way to Sick Bay so that she could even do the typical pre-check.
He did not.
So it came as no surprise that, when she stormed down to the MACO's barracks, or what could be considered as such in a ship such as this, she was met with blank looks and confused tones.
"Let me see your Major," Min asked curtly of the nearest marine, a young woman who seemed content to stare holes into Min's head. "I have an important matter to discuss."
"Whatever you gotta discuss, you can discuss with us," the woman stated. Quite rudely, but Min let it go.
"This is a matter of his own personal health. I will not be discussing this with anyone but the Major. Now Let. Me. Through." Min did not back down, eyes on the woman, waiting for a response. Eventually, the marine let out a loud sigh, rolling to one side and gesturing further back into the area. Min smiled politely.
"Thank you." With a small nod of her head, the doctor strode forward, scanning the area until she laid eyes upon the taller man. "Major King. We have much to discuss. And it isn't waiting."
Samuel heard the commotion out front. Most of these people he had served with before and they were quite protective of him, as he was of them. There was sadly a view that anyone outside the MACO's, or SEAL's, or in fact any military organisation was 'not one of their own' and they all looked out for their own. Sam had been a navy SEAL for over 20 years, and being British within it hadn't been easy. As you would expect given it's history it was a old American filled program and only a few from outside made it in. Times changed with the opening up of space travel and such but still the image of such was there.
Looking up he flashed a smile, "I hope this is not for rations Doctor? I told the last person who came here we shared our supply with the main body of the ship when we got stranded here."
"Absolutely not." Min herself was trying to calculate how much of her own rations she would truly need, having consumed only the minimum and saving what she could for others. The idea of people having issues with their own ration supply was appalling to her. "Have you been having issues with that? I'll have to have a word with the Commander if so. There is no reason anyone on this ship should starve, but we're all equals. No. I'm here to give you your physical. You've not had either since you've boarded the ship, Major."
"I don't think we are at the 'starving' stage yet, a few have complained of being more hungry than usual which is understandable given the circumstances. People naturally assume we have our own military supply, which we did and has been shared. Communication of that just hasn't filtered through to some of the lower ranks." Sam explained. "It'll level out, as you say we are all on the same team." he added before finding out why she was really here.
"We hit the ground running Doc when we came on board. Must have slipped my mind, but I am sure there are other more pressing thing than my physical health check up?" he half asked.
"Keeping the crew in tip top medical condition is my primary priority." Min pressed. She already had her bag sat down on the nearest counter, unzipping it as she continued. "And you are one of the few within the senior staff aboard who has yet to be checked. I'm not here to completely probe you, simply make sure nothing was jostled during our incident. Sometimes even simple head trauma can fell the greatest man."
Sam nodded. "You are of course correct Doctor." he said as he rubbed the small abrasion to his left eyebrow. He removed his MACO coat, revealing his toned body underneath a vest. "Where do you wish to start?" he asked moving in the smaller slim woman in front of him.
"That." She immediately pointed to the otherwise negligible abrasion. Typically, she would simply patch it up and not make any other mention of it, but for now she was not going to take a single chance. "And then we'll go over the usual paperwork. Hopefully you aren't hiding a tentacle anywhere that I need to worry about. Not that there would be an issue, but I have a feeling something like that is not in your personnel file." She pointed to the nearby chair. "Sit there. I assume that scrape was from nothing major, but I'd like to take a look anyway."
"If I have a tentacle anywhere and you find it then it'll be a surprise for both of us." he joked as he sat down as instructed on the chair she had pointed at. "Ah it's fine, I just hit it off something. I've had bigger and worse injuries that have received less medical attention from such beautiful doctors such as yourself." he flashed a smile.
Min wasn't phased, pulling out what looked to be the smallest of bandages and a bottle of antiseptic solution. "It might not be Major, but I'm still going to treat it. Whether the flirting continues or not." She examined the tiny wound, and it really was no more than a scratch, but nothing was too small these days. Not when an infection could potentially mean death without the right resources. "I'm sure with your career, a little sting won't hurt that much, so I don't feel like I need to tell you to hold still, hm?"
"I will do my best." he replied as she began to clean the wound. There was a sting for sure and the initial 'fizz' of it made him clench his fists. "How are you holding up?" he asked. "Must be quite tiring looking after us all given what has just happened."
"That's what nurses are for." Min was not shy about being able to sleep, or at least ignore the fact that they were many light years from home with a dwindling amount of food and water. She had no intention of letting anyone on the medical staff lose control of their own health. Without a medical staff, then the whole crew could be headed to disaster. "If it was that stressful, then I wouldn't have signed up to begin with. I've found, as a doctor, you have to be prepared for even the worst catastrophe."
As she spoke, she examined the small wound. "You're lucky you weren't wrong. I don't believe I have the equipment for self-healing stitches." She pulled a small band aid from her bag. "It is quite small, and it doesn't look infected. Very lucky indeed."
"I would say I have the luck of the Irish if I was from there." Samuel replied. "I guess our time together here is over?"
It took Min only a few moments to patch up the small cut, before she took a step back with a content smile. "That would be what that means, unless of course there's something else you had to bring up with me, medically speaking?"
"No, nothing medical Doc. Not unless you want me to take us to dinner to meet our nutritional needs?" he joked with her.
Min paused, cheeks tinging with a mild blush. She had to say she did not expect that in the middle of all this. "... Perhaps another time, Major. But for now, I have other people I need to attend to."
"Fair enough." Sam said stretching himself out so he could get moving. "I'll let you get on, I've got things to see to here as well."
Major Samuel King
MACO Commanding Officer
NX Atlantis
Lieutenant Min Seong
Medical Officer
NX Atlantis