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Rolling in the snowdunes

Posted on Sun Aug 13th, 2023 @ 1:31pm by Lieutenant Avira zh'Kenarh M.D. & Chief Petty Officer Manishie Karalo

Mission: Sojurn
Location: Planet's Surface
Timeline: One day before formal dinner
1269 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

"So when did you plan on telling me?" Avira was taking a leisurely stroll down on the snow covered hills with Manishie.

After what must've been one of the least favourable first impressions the Andorian doctor had made the two had started growing closer. They would often steal moments to spend together in their respective downtime.

"Tell you what exactly?" The question was raised after Manishie had commented on the fact that Avira had been walking too fast, that she couldn't keep up with her injury.

Avira looked at the brace around Manishie's leg and then back up at the ship's detective. "The fact that you injured yourself."

"I went to the sickbay, you weren't there." Manishie shrugged as if to say there was nothing more to it. "Doctor Hughes helped me. It was kind of awkward." Manishie remarked.


"Yeah. There was a very short-lived misunderstanding regarding my identity and then he got all self-conscious about having to fix up my leg and asking me to take my trousers off." Manishie elaborated.

Avira's antennae quirked a bit at that, "Why would that be awkward?" She had seen many of the ship's crew in much more significant stages of undress. When bones were broken and showing through the fabric and skin there were very few people that objected to you cutting away the trousers. Not in the least because they were usually sedated beyond protest. A torn ligament wouldn't require that kind of sedation. Perhaps that's where the awkwardness had come from?

Manishie shrugged, she knew exactly the type of awkwardness that Hughes had been displaying but it wasn't her place to comment on that. It was something for him and 'the other Manishie' to figure out. "How are you liking this planet? Seems right up your alley."

It had been the same question from basically everyone that she travelled to the surface with. Avira didn't really know how to respond to most people, "Honestly. It makes me miss home." She shook her head at the irony of that. She'd signed up for the exchange programme to get away from Andor and now she was out there, missing it. "Barring any sudden breakthroughs we'll be long gone by the time we get into comms-range, let alone properly return to the planets we called home." She had never left with the intention of never returning.

For a moment the silence hung between the two women before Manishie got closer and put and arm around the blue skinned officer. "I think I'd feel exactly the same if I came across a forest that looked just like the ones back home." She pulled her friend closer and held for a moment.

Avira's antennae angled towards Manishie a split second before she leaned her head against her friend's. She let out a sigh. Why was it that this woman always seemed to come in at her most vulnerable moments? She had always made an effort to remain calm, objective, and even a bit distant with regards to the rest of the crew. Manishie didn't seem to pay any credence to that outward visage. And now they were strolling through a beautiful winter landscape at sundown. "They want me to attend the formal dinner tomorrow." She straightened herself out and started to walk again, slowly this time to allow for the injured Manishie to keep up.

"Oh. You must be honoured." Manishie let her gaze fall on the blue hand that didn't seem to be bothered at all by the cold chills around them. Even with gloves she wasn't really comfortable. "Any idea what you'll be wearing?"

The doctor looked to the side, her antennae suddenly darting around a bit, "I was instructed to wear something formal, so I will be wearing my Andorian Imperial Guard dress uniform."

"Of course. Of course." Manishie nodded at that, what else would she be wearing after all.

The antennae on Avira's head settled down at the confirmation from her friend. She felt her hand brush against the gloved hand of her friend whose stride had brought her a bit closer now. "So now that skiing is off the table, what do you plan to do with the rest of your stay here?"

"I heard there was some sort of warm water ceremonial puddle. You're supposed to jump in with someone you hold dear and it'll guarantee your relationship will last until the next big freeze." Their hands brushed together again.

Avira nodded, "Interesting what mythical properties are assigned to natural phenomena. Your people wish upon a star for your deepest desires, my people read snowflakes for a glimpse of the future, these people immerse themselves in the only source of warm water on this hemisphere to assure companionship." She felt the gloved hand on the inside of her palm this time.

Manishie had slipped her hand into Avira's and felt the hand close around hers. It was impressive to see the ease with which the Andorian navigated the loose snowdrifts, and the contrast with her hobbling through the same was large. It felt good to be able to hold on to her, a sort of anchor in the vast white sea. Waves frozen in place. "I like how you find it interesting and not, I don't know, silly."

There was a small squeeze, Avira returned the squeeze. A silent exchange of reassurance.

"Is there someone back on Andor you'd dip into the water with?"

"These relationships, are they supposed to be romantic?"

Manishie wasn't quite sure, she had only taken a short time to read through the available database entries about the cultural customs. She could be impulsive sometimes. If she hadn't been as injured she probably would've just dragged Avira with her to see for themselves. "It just said relationships."

"Probably Kahr then."

"Your brother?"

Avira nodded. It was met with another squeeze of the hand. "More than the mountains and the ice floes and the snow dunes, he's what I miss most of Andor." She looked up at the skies and a smile formed on her features. "It's what'll get me back on the ship when this little holiday is over."

Slowing their pace and pulling herself close to the doctor Manishie now rested her head on against the blue cheek of her friend.

"And you? Anyone back home worth jumping into a seven year long relationship with?"

"Probably not." It seemed to be a known fact that people didn't join Starfleet if there was a strong emotional tether holding them firmly on Earth soil. "All of my friends are here." A shrug. "I'd probably jump in with you."

The blue antennae leaned towards Manishie, the tips nearly touching her hair. "That's a much nicer answer than I gave you. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I know how important Kahr is to you. Knowing the number of parents and siblings you have I'd be glad if I were in the top ten."

The comment only drove home how distant Avira had kept herself from everyone. If even Manishie didn't know how bad it had gotten between her and her family. "You're firmly in the top three."

Another squeeze of the hand, this time it seemed to linger a bit longer.

Avira straightened up and rolled her shoulders a bit. "We should probably head back." She sniffed and her antennae danced around a moment. "There's some heavy snowfall incoming."

Taking a bit of a step to be able to look the doctor in the eyes Manishie seemed incredulous. "Can you seriously smell a snowstorm coming?"

"Can't you?" Avira seemed just as incredulous as her human counterpart.


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