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Hand Over

Posted on Mon Dec 4th, 2023 @ 9:58pm by Commander Benjamin Jamesson & Lieutenant JG Anton Zakharov

Mission: Contagion
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: After 'You Break it You Buy it'
1295 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

In the bustling heart of Atlantis, Commander Benjamin Jamesson stood in the heart of engineering, a place where technology danced and hummed in harmony yet the sound still sounded off to him. This Atlantis would never be his fully as his ship which was why he decided to carry on his journey to the newly former Operations department. He had overseen this engineering since Ensign Michael Sloan's departure but Leroux had decided something more permanent needed to be done. As a seasoned officer for Earth Starfleet Jamesson had kept the engines running smoothly, ensuring the safety and efficiency of the crew.

Now, the time had come to pass the torch to a promising junior rating, Anton Zakharov. He had never met the man before he had come to that universe but the younger man had shown remarkable aptitude during their time tother and it was not like he was going anywhere. He just needed to wait for the man to return from his meeting with Leroux.

Anton, flanked by two crewman from delta shift, was walking and talking whilst passing pads of data between them.

"Anton we are detecting a nanowave through the frequency shift in the carbon gluon phase network" Anton took the pad, skimmed it, pressed a couple of buttons and passed it back to the crewman and said "Lets reset the microfilament in the pipes see what that does." He was passed another pad, with the crewman saying.

"Crewman Karl advised we had a slight variance in the flow of the power regulator.

"Ok" responded Anton "Will take a look, probably need to re-align the antimatter particle shift variance in the stream value." He paused and saw the commander "Ah sir." said Anton standing smartly before him.

Benjamin had been leaning against the barrier around the door watching the man as he confidently oversaw critical repairs on what was being given to him. His dedication and unwavering enthusiasm were clear signs that the future of Atlantis was in capable hands and that Beth had made a good choice. He could see why Leah had chosen her as her Executive Officer finally. “En… I mean Lieutenant.” He offered a smile.

Anton smiled and nodded. He was still not used to the rank that was afforded by his position. Though the position itself was not much different from what he had already been doing, along with all the other engineers in engineering.

“Congratulations on the promotion.” He added quickly. Promotions would not be regular on the ship so small wins like today needed to be celebrated.

"Thank you sir" responded Anton. Shuffling a bit from side to side, with a combination of nerves and busy shift energy. "How can I help you?"

"Well, we will need to do a handover." The older man pointed out with a smile. He was sure the man had jumped in feet first but there were things that he likely did not know around the ship and what was happening day to day that would need to be discussed.

"Sure sir. in my..urrrmmmm" said the Russian trailing off a little as he looked around main engineering with a slight quizzical look on his face as he looked around looking for something "urmmmm do i have an office?"

Benjamin smiled just a little bit sure if he was jesting or not. “Where did you used to see Sloan when he was not knees deep in the warp core?” Jamesson wondered gently.

Anton scratched his hair in thought as he looked around the busy engineering section of the Atlantis. "Actually now that you mention it over there." said Anton in his thick Russian accent, pointing at a small metal desk, situated between the warp core and under a gangway. It was covered in schematics, parts and data pads. They headed over, and upon arrival Anton made them some space to talk over.

“This was clean two days ago?” Benjamin commented as he ducked over the gangway to take it all in. He picked up a couple of PADDs and put them in the correct pile. They were heading for the most part into an uncharted star system and the ship was entering a crucial phase of change again after a year of service, and the smooth transition of responsibilities between the outgoing engineer, Benjamin, and his incoming replacement was essential to him. “So all watches for the last 3 weeks since Relea has reported no change in anything other than a slight overheating in the same coolant system.” He started going through the notes he had gone through with Sloan for this precise moment.

Anton looked at his own PADD, it made a familiar chirping noise every time he pressed or scrolled on its touch screen with his finger or thumb. He looked at the data from said coolant system. The leaking was still within tolerance levels but may be indicative of some bigger issue. "I will check it out. Could be overflow from the intermix chamber."

The older man nodded. "It could be for sure." He agreed. "But not something that has had time to be investigated whilst moving people around and creating a new department alongside running Engineering. Operations as it is being coined will be taking a couple of engineers who are already doing duties around the ship as well as some Science personnel that are similar doing those tasks so it should not leave you with any less crew but it will leave you with just the engines to focus on."

"Just the Engines huh" said the chief engineer with a slight stifled giggle. 'The engines' were not just the warp drive, but everything that went with it, the power generators, anti-matter containment, inter mix chambers, nacells, bussard collectors, plasma injectors, transfuser conduits, theta matrix compositor, anti-matter reaction assembly, regulator systems, warp field was all sorts. Yep thought Anton to himself, this operations team could have its computers and sensors and what not.

“Do not try and act like I have said something funny Lieutenant or try and start a pissing match with me over Engineering.” Benjamin was too tired and too old for that type of thing after crossing universes. “I know it’s not just the engines per se but it removes 50% of the day-to-day issues that will allow you to focus on making sure we get where we need to,” Benjamin said sternly in the voice he used when he was not in the mood for nonsense from a junior officer or crewman.

"Yes Sir" responded the young Lieutenant Junior Grade, pursing his lips together tightly to stifle another little grin. Anton made himself a small bet that aboard the Atlantis there probably wouldn't be a pissing contest per-say but if ever the two departments were to be adopted by star fleet, he could, hands down, reckon there would be a pissing contest.

"Any more questions?" Benjamin questioned softly now that he had gotten that out of the way. He hated coming down on someone but it was needed. The ship was too far from home for there to be anything like a pissing match going on. He had too much experience for him to be dragged in. He had turned down chief engineer because of how much he had been through and the fact it did not feel like his ship.

The chief engineer shrugged a little. "No Sir" he replied with a small smile "I think we got it in hand.....unless their is any wisdom you wish to impart sir?"

Benjamin looked the man over and quickly shook his head. “I think you have all you need right now.” Benjamin assured with one quick nod and he was gone out of Engineer off on his new adventure.


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