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Sneaking Around The Corner - Backpost

Posted on Mon Jul 22nd, 2024 @ 9:46pm by Commander William Gerhard & Ensign Alexandra 'Lexi' O'Connery

Mission: Remnant
Location: Cargo Bay 4 - D Deck
Timeline: August 2155 - 6 Weeks Since Leaving Spacedock.
1619 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

William entered the cargo bay and checked around the threshold before securing the hatch behind him. He knew that occasionally there were personnel coming and going from the various cargo bays, but Cargo Bay four was normally empty. In the time since leaving space dock, William and Lexi had been using the cargo bay to meet, since they were keeping their relationship a secret since he was her superior officer. So far they hadn't been caught, but he knew that they would soon have to change their meeting point to another location incase people caught on. He knew that eyebrows would be raised as to why the Assistant Chief Armory officer was going to Cargo Bay 4 alot.

Lexi turned from looking through the cargo container and grinned as she saw William appearing among the chaos of her looking through the containers for a communication connection node. “Well hello.” She greeted not sure he was going to meet her that night when they were about to be organising the safe zones for the route that would take them through radiation zones.

"Fancy meeting you here," he said as he smiled and slowly made his way over towards her. "You know, at some point we may need to find another meeting point. People are going to start wondering why the Assistant Chief Armory officer is always going to the cargo bay," he said before he wrapped her up in his arms and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. He then pulled back and looked down into her eyes with a soft smile.

“You could just come to my quarters.” She pointed out softly surprised at the kiss and the way he pressed close to her. It had been a couple of days since they had seen each other without a group of people around them.

"You don't think that would raise suspicions," he asked as he leaned back slightly to look at her. So far, Lexi had been more willing to push the envelope with regards to letting others see them fraternizing, but William was still trying to stay on Sloan's good side for the mission duration.

Lexi narrowed her eyes a little and nodded. She knew that that people would judge if they got caught but there was nothing overly stopping them as they were in different departments despite him being a higher rank. “I know but we do not necessarily have to sneak around to make out.” Lexi pointed out quietly.

William mulled that one over for a bit as the silence between them grew. She was right of course, and strictly speaking there really was no regulation prohibiting the two of them's relationship. But William was one tier outside of the senior staff, and the mission they were on was of high importance. The last thing he wanted was the implication that he was more interested in his off-duty romance than being focused on the mission at hand.

"That's a fair point, but is making out really all we are doing," he asked giving her a raised eyebrow and slight grin before she rolled her eyes at him and playfully swatted his arm.

Lexi had swatted him but did not know what to say for a moment. "Well... we've not gone much further since Barcelona." She said stepping back just a little and hitting the cargo container she had been looking through. She turned slightly and closed it before hopping back onto it.

William watched her hop onto the cargo container as he thought about what she said. "Wait....are you talking about what we are together," William said as he gestured between them before continuing, "Or are you saying we haven't gone farther as in....." He trailed off before he got a worried look on his face and glanced down at his boots. He could feel his face getting hot as he held up a hand, "That's not.....I'm sure there's a better way to say what I'm trying to."

Lexi saw the worried look on his face. "Both." She revealed understanding what he was trying to say awkwardly. "We slept together in Barcelona and then since we have been here we've just been making out in the cargo bay or wherever we can find alone time. We both deserve more." She pointed out softly.

William could feel his hands get slightly sweaty before he swallowed and spoke again. "I wasn't trying to imply I didn't want more...I do. I mean...I guess I don't have much experience in this arena," he said feeling like he was just digging himself into a hole. But he relaxed when Lexi smiled softly and shook her head at him.

"I only have one long-term relationship that ended in me going to the Academy so I am not at all experienced but I like you and I think you like me and it's going to be a long couple of months out here." She said trying to make him understand that experience was not overly needed. "And I am not forcing the subject but I am going to my quarters if you want to hang out... super quietly that is where I am going to be for the rest of the night and my door will be open."

William looked at her with an upraised eyebrow as she smiled at him and slowly made her way towards the door with a sly smile on her face. She was right of course, and he knew it. He did like her, a lot more than just a little if he thought about it. He smiled back at her and nodded before he reached out to stop her. When she faced him, he wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her close. He kissed her softly, but lingered longer than before. When they parted he looked at her and said, “Your right. I do like you. And I think an evening in your quarters would be nice.”

“Just nice… I am going to work harder to charge that to something better than nice.” She laughed a little and kissed him again. “Ten minutes.” She told him leaving the cargo bay behind.

William had blushed a little when she had teased him with his choice of words, but he watched her leave before he waited a moment and exited the cargo bay after her. Ten minutes later, he found himself outside of her quarters, and he looked up and down the passageway before he opened the door and stepped through the threshold. When the door was shut behind him, he pressed the lock which made an audible click to punctuate the mood.

Lexi looked up from where she had been pacing the door opened and grinned as William appeared in her room for the first time. “I did not know if you would come here after I left.” She whispered as he closed the door and locked it.

He took a moment to survey the room, which had a layout similar to his own. The main difference was in Lexi's choice of decoration as opposed to his own. William's quarters would be best described as "spartan" in terms of decoration, whereas Lexi's had more of a comfortable feel too it. "Well, with an invitation how could I not show," William asked with a smile as he looked at her and took a small tentative step forward. "Do we need to worry about Cal making an appearance," he asked softly. William knew that Lexi's roommate was Diaz, and as far as he knew she was not aware of the two and their goings on.

Lexi shook her head. "She is on night shift." The woman assured glancing up to her Calanthe's bed and smiled fondly. She had no idea if the woman knew about her and someone or not. She was still trying to work the woman out but she was feeling lucky that she had gotten the woman as her roommate.

"Well, that sure is convenient," he replied with a smile as he took another step forward and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. For a moment the only sound, apart from the soft hum of the ship's engines, was just their breathing. He then leaned down and kissed her. Their kiss was soft at first before it increased in its passion and intensity. He felt her arms wrap around his neck as her fingers lightly ran through his hair.

The kiss was just like they had kissed back at the party. It was as if he finally knew what he wanted which the woman was relieved. She liked him and it felt like he liked her back which did not happen to her often. It was either she liked them and they thought of her as just a friend or vice versus. "I did not invite you here to show you off." She whispered breathlessly as she broke back from the kiss and just grinned at him.

William looked back at her as a slow smile came over his features. "Well, what did you invite me here for then," he asked with a sly upraised brown. He gently traced a strand of blonde hair back from her forehead to rest behind her ear as he waited for her to answer him. He could hear the sound of his heart beating in his ears as the space between them became charged.

"I can show you." She said simply. Life was simple when you could explain with no words no time and she wanted to show him what they could be like if he just relaxed a little. Maybe it could be nicer than just nice.


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