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Reluctantly Reporting In

Posted on Sat Jun 1st, 2024 @ 7:04pm by Captain Bethsabée Leroux & Ensign Mercy Mourne

Mission: Contagion
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Day 368
1309 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Mercy fumbled with her PADD as she stood outside the Captain's ready room. She ran a slightly shaky hand through her hair, then cussed herself under her breath when she realised she now looked messy and unkempt. She tried to smooth it out quickly, acutely aware that behind her the bridge shift were going about their business, unaware of her mini-meltdown. She had better announce her arrival before anyone thought she was being weird. She reached out and pressed the comm button, practicing in her head one more time what she was going to say.

"Captain, you asked to see me? How may I be of assistance?"

Perfect, polite, professional, helpful. Just like a normal person would behave.

Beth had been going through reports from different parts of the ship and something around science and the ship's data storage had caught her attention. On discussing it with Darru he had pointedly mentioned Ensign Mourne for spotting it and pushed the Captain to have a conversation with her. "I did. Come in Ensign." Beth said as she heard the woman as the door opened and indicated the seat that normally was covered with PADDs or books that she had specially cleaned off for the woman.

Mercy stumbled into the room, not having realised her practice line had been heard by the Captain. She cleared her throat and then came to stand stiff and awkward in front of Beth. Her eyes fixed to the floor as she shifted slightly. "H-have I... uhm... did I do something wrong Captain?" She winced and then glanced around the room. She could count on her hand the number of times she had been summoned to this room. Usually Darru handled all the routine reporting and such, and quite frankly? Mercy preferred it that way. She'd come to value him as a sort of Vulcan shield.

Beth offered a smile as she saw the woman had some serious nerves. She had tried over the last year to be approachable to everyone but it was hard when some people did not necessarily see her like that. There was only so much she could do but she was trying and she knew that once her news became known she was sure she was people would be interested in talking to her more like a fellow human instead of just their senior officer. "You have done nothing wrong. Lieutenant Darru told me about the potential data storage issue and I would like to discuss it more with you."

Mercy immediately relaxed when the Captain shared the reason she had been called up. "Oh, yes of course Captain. Uhm, if you will give me one moment." She quickly pulls up her ever present PADD.

"I have actually been preparing a report for D-Lieutenant Darru when he returns." She took a step closer to the Captain and then offered her PADD, pleased her hands had stopped shaking, even if they were still a bit sweaty.

"You will see here I have estimated a general timeframe for the work, based on some early task timings. I think it will take us a couple of months to work through the majority of the data, maybe four should we account for new data being added. Lieutenant Darru himself estimated we have about 6 months to complete the work before it presents a problem. I have proposed a weekly reporting schedule initially to keep him and yourself appraised of progress. Madi, I mean Ensign Moore has kindly agreed to help with the cataloguing. The only obstacle we currently have is we have no external storage for the archives." Mercy paused there to make sure the Captain was following, and also to ensure she hadn't bored the poor woman to tears.

"Uhm... do you have any questions sir..., ma'am... uh Captain?"

“All those forms of respect and and address were fine ensign.” The older woman commented with a smile as she thought about it before turning her gaze to the PADD that she had been offered. “I have external storage.” Beth realised not having wanted to use them or make them known outside of the senior officers but it was becoming less likely it was going to be possible with the core from the future ship.

“You do?” In her excitement, Mercy forgot a little of her awkwardness. “Oh that’s great. I had thought we’d have to try and make our own which was beyond my own abilities, but adapting pre-existing storage will be much better.” She then hesitated a moment, natural curiosity meant that questions quickly formed in her head.

“They can’t be widely known or open to use, otherwise Darru would have volunteered them when I spoke to him. Does that… are they being used for something important at the moment?” Mercy knew it was a simple fact of working on a spaceship that some stuff would be above her pay grade. We have a few months before performance would be affected, so if it is important… or sentimental even, then we have time to find another solution Captain.” She then bit her lip, feeling twisted up about the right thing. “Or if they are clean then may I request some assistance from Engineering to get them hooked up.

"They are not widely known," Beth said rolling her shoulders as if preparing for something she did not want to do but she knew that it needed to be done. "When we were on the ship from the future. We took a core. It will require some work to lock away the information on it but it will provide what you need."

Mercy's breath left her in a rush as for a moment the Captain's words stunned her to silence. The ethical implications swam around her mind, stolen future technology with possible information already on the core? It could be remarkable and devastating in equal measure. In the end she simply nodded, straightening up a little. Discretion and delicacy would be important. "I understand Captain, I assume this will remain on a need to know basis? Do you have any recommendations for who might be best placed to assist in retrofitting the core to our computers or has work already begun?"

Beth watched the woman carefully seeing the range of emotions cross her features as she tried to process everything all at once and then finally came to a conclusion that discretion would be for the best. The captain nearly choked before she offered a sad smile. "The only person to ask in Leutentiant Darru. No one else who knows about it is left onboard with skills to be able to retrofit it." The woman said wanting to keep Lexi out of it seeing her accidentally seeing information from it previously.

Mercy took a deep breath and then let it out slowly. “I will speak with Lieutenant Darru in that case Captain. Thank you Captain. For the suggestion and for trusting me with such a solution.” She tilted her head slightly and looked at the woman with a much more steady gaze, suddenly struck by the fact she was as human as the rest of her crew. Well nearly all her crew, Darru and Doctor Avira aside. “Is there anything else I can help you with Captain?”

Beth looked at the woman as she felt for a moment that the science officer was staring into her soul. It would be so easy just to share what was going through her head but Beth could not and quickly head. “Thank you for asking but I do not need any help right now.” The captain assured.

Mercy nodded, she hesitated a moment before she gestured to the door. "I'll carry on then Captain, with your permission? If you think of anything else that I can help with you with you know where to find me."


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