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Coffee Break

Posted on Sun Jan 12th, 2020 @ 2:06am by

Mission: Mission 1 - One Step forward
Location: Mess Hall
359 words - 0.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Livingston was in the ship's mess, he was on a coffee break. There was no one else in the mess. He held his cup of hot tea and looked out the window at the stars.

Maryln Barrick, one of the civilians trapped on the ship along with the crew, entered the mess, and saw Ben standing at the window. She took a cup from the cabinet, filled it with coffee, and carried it over to the window and Ben.

She stood beside him, gazing out the window. "Looks so lovely and peaceful, doesn't it?"

"If we weren't so far from home, it would look a lot better." He turned his head and looked at her. "Do you think there's any chance we will get our lifetime?" She asked.

"There's always hope. We found water and food, so we're doing okay. Maybe we find a planet where the locals will want to help us, or trade with us." He kept looking at her. "What other option but to believe can we have?"

She moved closer to him. "Maybe the captain will decide to find an uninhabited planet that we can colonize....that's better then staying cooped up on the ship. Fresh air. Green grass to walk on."

"I, for one, will follow the captain. I trust her. A crew has to have faith in their captain to pull us through. She says we keep aiming for home...I'm okay with that. She says we settle on some planet, I'm okay with that." He leaned a little closer to her.

"Typical Federation officer. 'Captain can do no wrong.' But...if we have to settle on some planet, I'd like you to be there...with me." She leaned closer to him.

He kissed her.
She kissed back.

Then the galley doors started to open, and they broke the kiss. One of the other officers walked in. He looked at the two of them and smiled.

"Well, thank you ensign for that talk about the stars." she said.

He replied, "You're welcome, doctor. Anytime."

They both turned and left. She went back to her room. He went to the bridge.


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