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Deuteriu-me Apart

Posted on Wed Sep 25th, 2024 @ 7:17pm by Ensign Mercy Mourne & Lieutenant Andre Rhodes

Mission: Remnant
Location: Engineering
Timeline: Day 407
946 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Mercy cleared her throat as she entered engineering, she hadn’t been lying when she had told Duncan the place intimidated her at breakfast. She saw it as a place with big machinery, big brains and big personalities. Really it was the heart of the ship, the most practical expression of the forefront of modern technology, and now she would need to try and fight for its attention. It made her feel like an imposter.

“Lieutenant Rhodes?” She called out to the room, hoping to find him quickly, pester him, and then be on her way.

Andre was doing his best to coordinate efforts and work out how to conserve as much fuel as possible. In a way, it reminded him of some of his early studies and how Earth tried to switch to more fuel economic vehicles but did it so half heartedly that had World War Three not broken out, the problem would've been far worse. Except here, he couldn't fall back on half measures and kick the can down the road another generation.

Upon hearing his name, he turned to see Mercy and offered a polite smile.

"Ensign, what can I do for you?" He asked pleasantly. Shortage or not, he wasn't going to let that get in the way of being his usual self.

Mercy gave the man a grateful smile when she was at last able to spot him in the organised chaos, even more grateful for the fact he offered her a smile in return. "Lieuenant, good day, I'm so sorry to bother you, I know at the moment you are incredibly busy, but as we have identified some possible sources of fuel..."

She then glanced around, suddenly not sure if this was something best discussed so openly. It was good for the crew to have hope, but if the first few locations didn't work out, she would hate to dash people's spirits. "Is it okay to discuss this here?" She looked to the Lieutenant as she trusted him to know what his team could and couldn't handle.

He considered for a moment and while he trusted his crew, he also wanted to ensure she felt comfortable in telling him what she needed to. "Yeah, but if we need to step into the corridor, that's fine too. Up to you, I know how it feels sometimes when you think everyone's watching you just because of what you have to say may not be what everyone wants to hear."

Mercy gave him a grateful smile. “If you wouldn’t mind sir.” She then gestured for him to lead the way, “It’s not bad news, I just don’t want people getting their hopes up this early on.” She kept her voice low as she spoke, a habit from working in the science lab where concentration was a premium.

As they exited into the corridor, leaving behind the busy engineering department Mercy visibly relaxed. “You will be aware we have identified a number of possible sources of fuel. I just wanted to check in to see if you had given any consideration to the extraction of the deuterium and if there is any support you need from the science department at all?”

"I've got a team looking it over, but more eyes the better. We don't really have a plan in place for this sort of thing. Everyone's either working from manuals from the library or a couple of the crew that had family in the business." Andre said, "I'd especially appreciate any way we can double check our work."

"Otherwise, like I said, we're guessing at this point. All the manuals say to just pull up to your nearest fuel depot. Guess it's like Earth back in the day, I'm sure the average vehicle user didn't have to drill and refine their own petroleum?" He chuckled.

Mercy gave the Lieutenant what she hoped was a reassuring smile. “Well lucky for you guesswork and double checking is the science teams bread and butter.” Then she sobered a little. “I’d be happy to lend whatever help I can sir. My practical engineering calculations are a little rusty, but my chemistry is still pretty up to date. Point me at your hypotheticals and I can run through some analysis. Not that I think your teams work won’t be as thorough as always of course, but if I can make their lives a little easier so they can focus on other essential work then that would be useful, right?”

"Of course. Besides, we engineers do better when we're in the practical. Tend to cause problems when we have to go into theoretical and then start wondering how to use this as a chance to build a Warp 7 capable warp core." Andre replied with a laugh. "You folks do far better with that balance than we do. And yeah, I really do appreciate any extra eyes to check over our work. Last thing I want right now is to have to deliver more bad news to the Captain."

Mercy gave the man a sympathetic nod. “Of course Lieutenant, I understand completely.” She then gave him a teasing grin. “Plus this way if we do discover more bad news you will have a fellow messenger hmm?” Straightening up sue then gestures for him to lead the way. “Show me what you have so far and I will see what I can do. And if it needs more than myself I am happy to speak with Lieutenant Darru to request additional assistance.”

"Sounds good. C'mon." Andre led the way back into the engineering compartment and over to where his team was working on the project.


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