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Because I Said So

Posted on Mon May 25th, 2020 @ 2:11am by Lieutenant Aurelius Davis

Mission: Mission 3 - 100
Location: Medical Bay
Timeline: Day 7 Month 1 Year 0 20:00 Hours
1479 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

Aurelius walked into sickbay and glanced around. It was fairly standard procedure to get checked out after an away mission plus he had a few scrapes and bumps from falling into that pit with Michael and now Michael was missing. Aurelius sighed heavily as opened his mouth to call out, "Doc, you around?" He seated himself on a table, figuring she'd be about in a second.

The doctor in question had decided to hide away in her office space, avidly writing about the discovery she had made on their little jaunt through the unknown planet with the marine chief. Surely, there was more to be recorded and discovered while they were trying to survive. For a moment, her mind had fled from the realization that they may have just had their first loss since their discovery. But, there was time to dwell on that later.

Her eyes snapped over to the small window that led out into the main Sick bay area. She rose, leaving her work on the desk as she entered the main area. "Aurelius. I was wondering if I would have to send a nurse down to drag you up here."

"Hah, well I think that would have taken a bit of effort on their part. Not because I would have resisted though, I feel like just dead weight I'm so tired." And just to prove his point he yawned as he laid down on the bed without being asked. He watched her, curious how things had gone here while he'd been gone and wondering if she'd heard about Sloane.

"Well then perhaps you should get some rest." Min insisted, as she had done for the umpteenth time to the umpteenth officer. If she had to deem herself the ship's morale officer just to get people to sleep, it would have been a sad day on the Atlantis. It was bad enough she saw herself breaking up irritable officers and having to yank the less-experienced from duty until naps were had. "But, to be on the safe side - have you felt this tiredness coming from our away mission? Any bumps or scratches I should be aware of?"

"Umm, Well I was tired before so it's kind of hard to tell. But as for bumps and scrapes, yes. When I fell into that hole. I'm sure I have quiet a few. I honestly don't feel them anymore though." He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Min looked him up and down, pleasant politeness now suddenly very disapproving. "Well now you have to let me take a look at them. I'm not having anyone catch an illness from a strange planet. We already have enough to worry about. Let me see. Where are they?"

Aurelius blinked, "All over I think. I mean I did fall a good amount through brush. They're just little scratches and scrapes." He protested mildly. "Nothing to get upset over."

"I'm not upset. I will be if you don't show me these scratches." Min put a hand on her hip, eyes narrowing in annoyance. "Stop resisting and just let me look at you. We don't have time to argue."

"Uh, okay." He gave up and started undressing with the reminder that she was a doctor and this was purely professional. He still couldn't look her in the face and he was certain the scratches were practically everywhere. So there he was standing there in his underwear by the time he was finished, looking up as if the ceiling offered a completely interesting and different view of things.

And Min was completely straight-faced as she went to wash her hands and arms, proceeding to put on a pair of gloves before turning back over to give his form a once over. "... Aurelius, next time you have these scratches, I need you to see me immediately. Decontamination cannot pick up foreign contaminants or diseases below the skin."

She wasted no time, hand on his shoulder as she began a more thorough examination. "And you've not felt any different? No headaches, blurry vision, any odd side effects?"

He hadn't really thought of it that way. "No Ma'am, I feel fine. Well tired, but I haven't been sleeping that great and then I went on that adventure." He shrugged. "Other than that I feel completely myself, not sure that's a good thing," he joked. "As a doctor, can you tell my why their hands are always so cold?" He fought the urge to shiver and held still.

"Because hands are always to be cleansed before examining a patient so closely." Min explained as she frowned as she continued. "And cleaning hands always changes the temperature of them. Typically cold. Nevermind the fact that you are without shirt and the ambient room temperature has been lowered to match the rest of the ship to conserve on power. So everything seems cold right now. You said you weren't sleeping? Have you been feeling more out of sorts lately?... Moreso than the situation has given us, I should say."

"I'm sure it's the current situation," he commented shivering slightly. "Otherwise I really feel fine." He'd perhaps had more to think about than everyone else. In addition to losing everyone he'd ever known except those on the ship, he'd also suffered an injury to his hands that left him unable to do his job and feeling a bit useless.

"We'll see about that." Min stated calmly. "I would rather be overly cautious than dismissive of a potential condition." She moved from her thorough examination, plucking the gloves off of her hands before picking up her tricorder. "I'm sure you're not wrong, but I'd rather check." She gave pause, frowning at a thought. "... How have you been since the explosion? I don't believe I've asked."

"Oh you know . . . okay I guess. Making the best of it. I can't pilot anymore but Commander Leroux suggested that maybe I be morale officer. Everyone needs someone to talk to at some point, especially given our current situation. I thought she'd lost her mind at first but the more I think about it the more I think it's a good idea. It gives me something to do and I feel useful plus I like talking to people generally."

Min put a hand on her hip as she awaited the tricorder's results. "... That's beginning to sound less like morale and more like counseling, but neither are exactly people we have in abundance on this ship." She fell silent, eyes on the tricorder screen. To some degree, she felt for Aurelius. It was not easy to recover for an injury that disrupted a life like that. "For once I actually agree with the Commander on this. I do not myself have an abundance of training on the matter, but I know there are training guides if you'd like. And I'd be more than happy to offer my support, if it aids you."

"Yeah, I might look some things up from time to time. And sure. I think anything I can offer would be better than nothing. A laugh here, an ear there, seems a small price to pay for what others are doing for me. So . . . . am I going to live?"

"No, you're going to die at some point. I just simply cannot determine when." She took a step back, gesturing for him to put his clothing back on. "But I do know whatever it is you die from and whenever that is, it will not be from this. You're good."

Aurelius couldn't help but snort at her response. "You have such a dry sense of humor. But thanks," He stood up, gathered his clothes and hurried to put them back on realizing that a good portion of their conversation he'd been in his underwear. He was surprised it had gone that well. He was almost out the door when he turned around. "I know it's your job and all but you didn't ask to be lost out here just like the rest of us didn't. Can I do something to help sometime? Return the favor?"

Min had already turned back to her other work, having recorded Aurelius's results on record. She seemed surprised as she turned around to note that he mentioned anything. Her expression softened. "At the moment, unless you would like a crash course in becoming a medic, there isn't much to do. Though I will keep this offer in my back pocket."

"Yeah, well I will think on that. I don't have much experience and I'm not sure what I could do with these." he held up his hands. "But I would like to return to favor sometime. Anyway, have a good afternoon doc, I'll see you around."

Lieutenant Min Seong
Medical Officer

Lieutenant Aurelius Davis
Morale Officer
NX- Atlantis


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