Posted on Wed Oct 23rd, 2019 @ 3:53pm by Lieutenant Darru & Ensign Michael Sloan & Lieutenant Aurelius Davis
Mission 1 - One Step forward
Location: Gymnasium Shelter, Deck C
Timeline: Minutes Before Door Unlocks
1217 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure
Whatever Captain Morgan did had greatly smoothed out the ride, but there was still a slight stutter every so often. Michael had spent the last couple of hours trying to keep calm and answer questions to the best of his ability. The odds were firmly against them ever seeing the Captain again, at least alive. He had held it together for the crew, but he wanted more than anything to throw open the doors and mount a rescue.
As the clock wound down to the last few minutes, Commander Sloan looked to the crew stuck with him. "Once the door behind me opens, I'll need a couple of you to go to Engineering with me," his eyes scanned the room. "Most of you will need to secure your designated areas, but if the Captain has any hope we need to get to her quickly. Volunteers?" he asked.
"I will come with you, Commander," Darru commented on. His duty station in science did not need securing, he would be more useful in Engineering with the Armoury Officer. No point in wasting his life and effort somewhere, where it wasn't needed. It was illogical to waste things.
Giving a slight nod, Michael stated, "Very good." After giving a look around the room to see if there any other volunteers from the almost 50 people, he turned back to Darru and stated, the safety locks should disengage momentarily."
Aurel spoke up. "I'll go," he stated shortly, unusual for him as he was usually so outgoing and talkative. This felt like a funeral march but he owed it to the Captain to at least lay her body to rest if that's what this amounted to. She'd done so much for the rest of them.
"I'm in." Ensign Livingston raised his hand. He felt that now that he was a part of the crew, he'd have to carry his weight and offer to help anytime he could. He also felt that he had to prove himself to the rest of the crew.
"It's my engine room, I will volunteer," Lukas Carter interjected. The burly European pushed his way toward the door and rolled up his sleeves.
Almost on cue, the alert klaxon sounded as the door locks disengaged. Michael gave a quick look at his volunteers and nodded his thanks. "Carter, it's your engine so take us out," he ordered. His voice remained calm, but he wanted to run toward the Main Engineering to check on the Captain. However, another part of him felt sick. The Captain had been gone for more time than the simulations called safe, he had a sinking feeling in his stomach.
"Stay close! We will be heading to D Deck by the access ladder two junctions down!" Carter called out. He started out at a brisk pace, nearly breaking into a jog as he proceeded through the corridors. As they neared a t-junction, he signaled for the group to break right with a wave of his arm. "Another fifteen meters then we reach the access ladder."
Livingston stayed close to him as he lead them through the corridors.
Almost there, Michael thought to himself as he walked near the front of the group. Like all ships, only three people could open the hatch to engineering after it had been sealed. The Captain, the designated First Officer, and the Chief Engineer, only one of them was part of the group. Looking to Lukas as the group reached the ladder, Sloan stated, "All yours Commander."
"Ja," Lukas nodded and fixed his attention on the control pad. He keyed in his command codes and waited for the confirmation chirp. The cheerful melody followed seconds later and the magnetic lock released with a loud ka-chunk. He pulled the door open and waved everyone inside. "Go, go, go! Schnell!"
With a nod, the Chief Armory Officer led the team into Engineering. From his position atop the ladder, Michael began looking for his Captain. He did not know much about the inner workings of the Warp V reactor, but his training as an armory officer told him where the vital pieces were located. As he checked the reactor itself, he called out, "Anyone got anything?"
Lukas hauled himself onto the control platform in front of the warp core and initiated a series of diagnostics. He worked the levers and toggles without giving them a glance. Lukas had committed the arrangement of the power plant's controls to memory over a period of several months in case he had to work them under pressure, just like now. "Reactor is stable!" Carter called out. "Someone check the gangway on top of the power plant!"
"On my way," Michael called out, he pointed toward the nearest person and motioned for them to join him up the gangway. As he climbed the ladder, he called back to Lukas, "Make sure to bring power levels back to normal, we'll need to be ready to move again once we get to the Bridge." As soon as he reached the top, his heart sank to his feet. "No, no, no," he whispered in increasing dread as he quickly knelt beside the Captain's lifeless body.
There was nothing to be done, Aurel could clearly see that. He bowed his head out of respect and would of course help move the body when the time came. But they had to make sure she was really gone, there was little hope, but he knew some would have to check anyway.
Darru had been the silent force behind the group but even he stopped as he saw the body of the Captain. "She did a great service to the ship." The man said emotionless.
Ben saw that the captain was dead. But he turned his attention to the main console and checked the readouts on the engines.
This was certainly a blow, but the crew had a mission to complete. Lives were at stake. Michael gently placed an apologetic hand on the Captain's shoulder. "Carter, finish up down here, we have a ship to fly," he called to the Chief Engineer. Turning to the rest of those gathered, he ordered, "Davis, make sure the Captain is placed in Sickbay. Livingston, come to the Bridge with me. The rest of you, secure your stations and make ready for warp."
"Understood, Michael," Carter intoned.
"Yes sir." Aurel said, bending down to scoop up the Captain. She was just a little thing and probably wouldn't weigh that much. He felt better about carrying her in his arms than putting her on some cold stretcher. She deserved more. He clamped down his jaw and lifted her carefully, heading for the door.
"On your 6, sir." Ben started to follow Michael. As they walked, "I'm sorry about the captain, sir. I didn't have a chance to really get to know her."
"She is... was the best of us," Michael replied as he began to exit Main Engineering with the Helmsman. He for one wanted to get this mission over as soon as he could. The Xindi homeworld could not come close enough.
Lt. Commander Michael Sloan
Chief Armory Officer
NX-05 Atlantis
Lieutenant Darru
Science Officer
NX-05 Atlantis
Aurelius Davis
Chief Helm Officer
Pnpc by Blair
NX-05 Atlantis
Ensign Benjamin Livingston
Helm Officer
NX-05 Atlantis
Lt. Cmdr. Lukas Carter
Chief Engineer
NX-05 Atlantis