Mission Ahead
Posted on Wed Oct 23rd, 2019 @ 3:52pm by Captain Bethsabée Leroux & Ensign Michael Sloan & Lieutenant Aurelius Davis
Mission 1 - One Step forward
Location: Captain's Mess, Deck E
Timeline: Prior to Entering the Radiation Storm, En Route to Xindi
757 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure
Sipping on her water, Captain Morgan watched the starlines from outside her viewport. The rest of the senior staff would be here rather soon to discuss the mission progress. The Delphic Expanse was a known danger to starships passing through, but they had to reach Xindi. With other threats looming large, pacifying one front was vital to Earth's survival. The smells coming from the door to the galley were mouth watering, the chef certainly knew how to make the most out of what he had.
Darcy entered the captain's mess, it looked like she was early. She was the first to arrive and if there had been some way that her arrival was not noticed, she would have backtracked and gone for a small walk to avoid small-talk with Captain Morgan. It was too late now, however. Darcy gave her a nod and sat on the other side of the table.
The Communication Officer was happy that morning, breakfast had been nice and the conversation just as nice. Nothing had upset her or changed her routine at all. "Bonjour Captain, Lieutenant." Beth greeted as she came into the room and sat down in her usual spot looking at the pair. She carried a pad of paper and a nice looking pen.
"Guten Morgan, Commander," Lukas greeted with a beaming smile from his place at the table. Eggs, sausages, and toasts filled the plate in front of him complimented by a glass of orange juice. It was not the breakfast recommended by the ship's doctor.
"Before we get started, how are the preparations going for our travel through the radiation storm?" Leah asked her senior staff. When the Enterprise had faced similar radiation spikes, the crew had been confined to the warp nacelles. The storm had been too massive for the Atlantis to bypass, so the crew had little choice but to go through.
"We'll be snugs as bugs in rugs," Darcy piped up. "Unless you're claustrophobic in which case . . . . you won't be."
Lukas snorted. "At least we've managed to expand the number of safe zones," He said. "Sickbay is sufficiently shielded following our retrofit at Jupiter Station as well as the recreation room."
"That will be less .... snug," Beth said fearing that they would all be in the warp nacelles. It would be extremely tight and uncomfortable for everyone if that was the case.
"I can post people to guard our medical supplies," offered Lieutenant Commander Sloan. The Armory Officer then eyed the rest of those at the table, then asked, "What about our food supplies? Will this radiation taint of food and water?" His main concern was leaving the Atlantis without supplies, and his tone left no question that he was surprised that no one else raised similar concerns.
"More areas of the ship are shielded now than the NX-01," Lukas answered. "Protein and water storage are sufficiently shielded to prevent damage or decay of our supplies. At least that's what the yard engineers reported."
Sloan was satisfied with that response. "I would suggest we split into two groups. Sickbay can hold an emergency thirty-five people, so that leaves the remaining forty-seven to the Recreation Center. It'll be a tight fit, but it's only for eighteen hours."
Nodding to the information, Leah stated, "If there is nothing else," she paused. "I'll accompany the recreation group, Beth, you take Sickbay. The rest of you have your choice. Once we go on lockdown, no one is to venture into the rest of the ship for eighteen hours. We are under strict lockdown. The radiation can kill in only minutes. Understood?"
Beth was surprised her first name was used but nodded. They had discussed this before coming into the meeting so they were on the same page but it was good to see that the crew agreed. "Not from me Captain." The Frenchwoman said rising to let her team know she was leaving.
Darcy didn't care where she ended up really, as long as she didn't have to watch her skin peel off or use her imagination for any other gruesome way to die a slow and painful death. She slowly got to her feet and stretched going through the two options in her head. Less people might be nice, but it was sickbay and she had a little bit of an aversion to that room.
Captain Leah Morgan
Commanding Officer
NX Atlantis
Commander Bethsabee Leroux
Communication Officer
NX Atlantis
Lieutenant (jg) Darcy Blair
Chief Science Officer
NX Atlantis
Lieutenant Commander Lukas Carter
Chief Engineering Officer
NX Atlantis