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Tantrums and Tangles

Posted on Sat Aug 1st, 2020 @ 1:32pm by Lieutenant Darru

Mission: Mission 3 - 100
Location: Deck F - Science
Timeline: Day 41, Month 2, Year 0 10:00
1334 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Where was he going wrong? No one was seeming to understand the time and work he had gone into genetically matching crew members for the best outcomes for potential children. He was highly recognised for his studies on genetics and how they played an important factor in the future even if Starfleet were none the wiser of what his real job had been for the science council. None of that mattered now as he was putting it all for good work. He looked up as someone walked into his lab and frowned as it was yet again Warrant Officer Walker. “How can I assist you today Warrant officer?” He wondered looking up from his lists.

Maddison was more annoyed than angry as she entered the Science Lab. Why did Vulcans always find it necessary to meddle with other people's affairs? "Mind explaining this...garbage? Where did you get the fact that I would be suitable for him?" she tossed the PaDD in her hand onto the desk.

It was easy to feel how the atmosphere had changed the second the door closed and they were alone. "You both have an affinity for weapons and it is not on whether you are suitable but your genetics are. What does not appeal about that?" The man said calmly looking at the tossed PaDD before he picked it up and held it out to her. "Items like this should not be tossed they are limited now." He added.

"Consider yourself lucky I didn't launch it at your head," Maddison shot back, crossing her arms. "And in case you missed something, we're not Vulcans. Humans are driven by desire and emotion, especially when it comes to relationships--genetics be damned."

Darru did not change his expression as he put the PaDD down seeing she did not take it and shook his head. "My genetics match will stop your future generations from experiencing a wide range of serious and life-threatening illnesses including cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, arthritis and dementia." Darru could not understand why people were not wanting it. Why would they want offspring to have that potential instead of being strong?

"We have cures and medicines for those illnesses," Maddison countered. "You know, you should study human history. What you have proposed have been done by many societies. It was first done by the ancient Spartans that would toss any weak or deformed infants off of a cliff, and then there were the mid-20th Century Nazi Germany that tried to breed the perfect person--they failed. Then there was the Eugenics War where we fought and defeated a genetically superior human race. So you see, imperfection does not mean weaker. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not letting logic dictate everything."

"We do not have the cures and medicines for those illnesses out here. It would be logical to concern these factors for your offspring now." Darru shrugged countering back quite enjoying the back and forth of a debate. Everyone he had spoken to had been less than reluctant to pursue this approach. He had been accused To try and deny that the emotional attachments people felt towards one another are were a constant hindrance in the pursuit of that ideal would be illogical but it was not a factor in what he was trying to achieve.

"Well your research is flawed as you never took into account the emotional attachments humans desire. And I would rather die alone than to be partnered with this person so it's not going to happen. End of discussion," Maddison shot back. "And what about you?" she turned the tables now. "If we don't find a way home, you'll have to figure out what you are going to do every seven years because you sure as hell won't have anyone with your attitude--if you even survive Pon'farr."

The man whirled around and raised an eyebrow at the woman knowing about the amock time. Vulcan society was organized around arranged marriages - and in their case, unlike back on Earth, there was a biological component that forces the situation, how she knew on such things he did not know. The humans would throw things like that in their faces just like now. It was why they were treated like children as they were acting like children, instead of thinking on the greater good. “You know nothing about the words you say or the biological components.” He said calmly. It was a thought that he meditated on often, he did not have long until it happened and they were far from home and Vulcan.

"Oh I believe I do since I have witnessed it in person at my previous duty station," Maddison stated. "My previous assignment was the NX Enterprise and we had a Vulcan liason there too that went crazy with sexual urges, injuring several crew in the process that I later learned was called Pon'farr. You Vulcans sure love your secrets...but like all secrets, they eventually get out. However, I am also aware of how embarrassing the issue is so I won't say anything to anyone but you might consider it should we not find a way home." The words stung as she said them--she hoped more than anything to get back home.

It had to be the NX Enterprise, the man sighed a little internally. "You think I have not considered it already?" He wondered. He hoped he would be spared the event, but he would be a fool when he knew the ancient drives were too strong. Eventually, they would catch up with him, and the forces which he would not be able to control would force him to go to return home and take his wife. Or die potentially.

"Well then, if we don't find a way back, you might want to start trying to mingle with the crew instead of criticizing and let everyone mingle with whoever they want," Maddison replied with a shrug.

Darru shrugged back. She was not seeing the bigger picture at all but what would she know. They could not even see eye to eye when she had a hole in her shoulder. "Your thinking is common but a product of your time. Historically marriage on your world has had nothing to do with love. Marriage was originally about reproduction, inheritance, alliances, and providing for one's children. Which is not in any way to say this was a better system. It was the system that best suited societies needs. Having strong genetics suits the needs of this ship but as you have said you are not interested so I will find your match another." He muttered turning back to his work.

"Glad to hear it," Madison replied, grinning with a slight nod. "And as for Earth having a history of arranging marriages, yes, we did but we also moved away from that practice and still accomplished Warp Drive, founded this new coalition called the Federation with Earth, Vulcan, Andor, and Tellarite. So it seems humans are doing just fine without arranged marriages." She looked at the Vulcan, sincerely hoping they found a way back before he underwent Pon'farr.

"You are no longer part of that crowd or part of that fledgling coalition, nothing is signed. We are out here by ourselves." Darru reminded quietly. It bothered him not whether she wanted to be involved or not, he wished her luck with her illogical choice if that was how she wanted it. "But that is how you wish. I cannot force you or anyone to participate."

"No, you can't but heed my advice or you'll end up alienating yourself even more so aboard the ship," Maddison said as she began to turn to exit the lab.

Darru ignored the woman. Eventually, the humans would come around to his viewpoint of strong genetics. It was only a matter of time and the man had so much more time than the humans had. He just needed to be patient and wait for them to realise.


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