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Midnight Snack

Posted on Sat Aug 1st, 2020 @ 11:41am by Captain Bethsabée Leroux & Lieutenant Aurelius Davis & Ensign Kathryn Bell & Renee Rooke
Edited on on Sat Aug 1st, 2020 @ 12:05pm

Mission: Mission 3 - 100
Location: NX-05 Atlantis, Mess Hall
Timeline: Day 32, Month 2, Year 0 00:00
1946 words - 3.9 OF Standard Post Measure

The lighting was low as Bell entered the mess hall. At this late hour, she expected only the night staff would be around, but she was surprised to see a familiar figure ahead of her. "Captain? Is that you?"

"One and only." Beth looked up from the book she was reading in the semi-darkness and offered a sad smile as she spoke up. It was not the time or place to correct the woman so she just indicated the seat in front of her. "What are you doing up still, Ensign?" She countered with a question.

"Can't sleep... Quarters are lonely at the moment... Fancied a cup of tea, and maybe a midnight snack... And, I find it comforting to watch the kitchen staff..." She sat, blushing a little. "My fiance is a civilian chef and applied separately to the Atlantis. The woman loves night shifts, for some reason." Bell studied the table for a moment, then looked at the other woman. "It provides me with peace. I'd never have thought I'd find the stars difficult to live among, but then we got tossed years from home, and..." She broke off.

"I did not realise." Beth had not realised that any of the civilians on board were connected to any of the officers like that. It would be a cause for removing one of them if they were not in such a unique situation. Had it been something that Leah had known over the last six months? It would be one of those unanswered questions she had for the woman.

"It was actually pretty recent... Seriously, I went over to propose to Renee, and there she was, reporting orders in hand." Kate took a sip of her tea, smiling at the memory. "Er, I didn't think it was going to be an issue--not that we're very obviously about it... But now..." She sighed. "Cut off from everyone we know and love, hunted by enemies over a misunderstanding... Starfleet, that is us, we are being tested, I think."

Beth did not want to go into the mid understand or the fact they had tried to make it right. Tried to make the Vrav's lives better but it was impossible, they just wanted to take her crew into the darkness with them. Sadly for both of them, that is something that she would not allow to happen. "I see. I did not know but does not change a thing other than my understanding."

"I'm glad... I'm just glad to be here, despite our difficulties..." Bell took a sip of her tea. "I'll do my best to serve according to my gifts and abilities. We're Starfleet--its expected that we do nothing less."

Beth nodded in an agreement to the woman statement about what was expected. It was their duty and more at the moment. It was a shame that everyone was shifted around and pully duties elsewhere to try and repair enough to allow everyone to get some rest here and there. "We would not be on board if someone with a lot more experience had not thought us suitable."

"Er, sorry--I probably sounded more like a command school trainer there. I always got along well with my trainers, and I may have internalized some of their mindset. Its what keeps me going, sometimes."

Beth could relate to a point with that but she had not had the indoctrination of Starfleet as the younger officers had as she already had her qualifications in languages from before becoming an Officer. It was what made her and Leah such firm friends and led to her being there and then. "We all spout words of wisdom sometimes," Beth assured.

"Thank you, Captain... I'm glad you're our commanding officer on this journey... Its comforting, somehow."

Beth had not anyone say something like that to her so far. Everyone commented on how Leah was the better candidate or even Salon was despite everything that had happened with him. Beth smiled just a little and nodded at the woman. "Thank you. A twist of luck and everything has changed for me and the ship." No one could have predicted or planned for this event.

Kate's reply was preempted by a pair of hands rubbing her shoulders from behind. She turned in surprise to find a black-haired woman there. "Renee, now is not a good time..." She pointed to the captain, praying she wouldn't get busted to crewman. "Later..."

"Kate," was her response, a little pouty.

Beth raised an eyebrow at the women and the fact the civilian was oblivious to who was sat across from the woman. "Hello, Renee." The Commander greeted.

Renee looked up, saw who Bell was talking to, and jumped back so fast she almost fell. "Commander, ... Er, Captain, I'm..." She blushed scarlet. "So sorry, didn't realize... Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!"

The Commander wanted to start going into a talk about time and place but it was not worth it as one of them were civilians but she would have to eventually do something about regulations. "Just maybe time and space hmm?" She offered indicating the chair that was opposite her was better instead of standing behind the woman.

Renee sat, still petrified at her behavior. Kate gave her a look that clearly said, 'What the hell were you thinking? I still love you, though.'

"Now Renee wasn't it?" Beth wondered thinking that maybe she needed to lay down some type of law for the women and displays of affection. "Ensign Bell said you two of engaged congratulations but displays like that out in the open are probably at the moment with everyone far from home not the best idea and not just because of regulations on this vessel," Beth spoke calmly and kindly hoping it was taken as that. She did not want other members of the ship resenting them.

"Of course, Captain... I'm sorry." Renee bowed her head, remorseful. "It's just... So hard, being so far away... Sometimes... I have my duties to attend to, of course, but they don't solve everything... And when you're in love..."

"I do get it Renee but we are still a military ship," Beth said gently. "And not everyone has that onboard. A lot of people are missing home and the people they love. Just keep it on the... how do American's put it on the down-low." The woman advised softly trying to make them see that yes nothing she could do about it but it was in their best interests. She glanced up as the door opened and revealed someone else who could not sleep - Aurelius.

"Am I interrupting?" Aurelius paused as all three women looked at him, he half wondered if they'd been talking about him before he came in. "I can make a stealthy retreat back out if I need to." He half asked, half assured as he met each of their eyes in turn.

"Not in the slightest Lieutenant," Beth assured kicking out the fourth chair to allow the man to sit. It would be rude to turn the man away as he had come looking for something. It seemed everyone was having issues sleeping that night after all.

"The hour of the wolf and no one can sleep. Worrying about anything in particular or just the usual stuff?" He asked anyone in the room who wanted to answer. He may only be morale officer but he considered himself a good listener even if he wasn't technically trained. Aurelius could offer the advice he felt was right.

"Usual stuff," Beth said. At least for her, it was. She had not slept properly since the Vrav believed they were the killers of their way of life. It struck her deep that she and her people were the destroyers to them. "How about you?" Beth wondered turning it back on the man wondering about him and what he was doing up and around. They had not caught up in ages without an emergency bringing them together.

Kate and Renee sat silently, watching the interplay between the two more senior officers. Renee, in particular, was interested in it, given her conversation with Davis a couple of days before.

"Not worrying about anything in particular I guess." He rubbed the back of his neck with one fist. "I feel like I'm too tired to sleep if that makes sense. My body just won't calm down, relax, I feel jittery," he shrugged. "It will pass, maybe I just need a cup of warm milk or the algae equivalent of it."

"Well it cannot be too much coffee," Beth said with a bit of a smile for him. She was the coffee fiend amount majority of the crew, it did not affect her much after three cups or so. She did not envy him if he was considering even more of the algae than the bare minimum. "I am not sure there is an equivalent." Beth grinned at him.

"Hmm, you're probably right. Coffee is life right?" Instead of getting something he just sat down though. "What are we discussing here? Gossip? Men?" There was a hint of a smile on his face even though he was trying to be completely serious.

"And with that sentence, you have explained to Ensign Bell and Chef Rooke why you are morale officer." Beth winked at him. "Actually a bit of it all." It was not far from the discussion that they had. "We are just discussion the ship and the state of it all." It was not that far into the conversation to not include others and Beth would appreciate his views on certain things. "How has your day been?"

"The usual," he shrugged, unsure how to tell her that something in his life was missing. Aurelius rubbed his face. "Once we get into a routine of semi new normal, I think things will get better."

"Quite," chimed in Renee. "It's the little things that make life bearable, yes?" She shot Kate a look. "For what its worth, I'm sorry I've been such a bother. We'll keep it on the down-low, Captain, promise."

Kate raised one eyebrow, wondering to herself why Renee would make such a unilateral decision? Sure, Kate was fine with it, but shouldn't they have discussed it, like they had with everything in their relationship? And more to the point, given that they are so far from home, what was stopping them getting married? ... Oh, that's right--the ship was nearly constantly under attack or repairing from attack, and people were frayed to the practical point of near-breakdowns.

Beth bit her lip as glanced at Aurelius as she was called Captain. She was going to one day have to deal with her reluctance to take the Captain rank. It would be another issue for another day. She did not have the energy to think about it anymore. "Good. Now if you will excuse me I should get myself to bed." She smiled weakly at them both as she stood back up nodding at them both. It had certainly been an eye-opener of an evening, to say the least.

"Night Beth," Aurelius let slip. His eyes rose but he wasn't sure any of the others caught it.

After the captain--no, commander, Renee reminded herself--she turned to the morale officer. "Can I get you anything? Want to talk about what's bothering you?"

"No, thanks. Actually the little walk has kinda made me realize how tired I am. I think I'll turn in as well," With that Aurelius exited the room without another word.

Now that Kate and Renee were alone, they turned to one another. "We need to talk," they simultaneously said.


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