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Stepping Up

Posted on Sun Aug 2nd, 2020 @ 4:13am by Lieutenant Samantha Leyton & Captain Bethsabée Leroux

Mission: Mission 3 - 100
Location: Deck A - Ready Room
Timeline: Day 37, Month 2, Year 0 10:00
1260 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

The encounter with the Vrav had been weighing heavily on Samantha's mind as she busied herself, mapping out several possible alternate courses at her station. Navigating and piloting kept whoever was at the helm console a busy person, often requiring the ability to multitask well.

Beth had been watching the Chief Flight Officer for days and she did not seem to be perking up in the slightest. It was a worry when they were fast running out of skilled people and the skilled people they did have were spread so thinly at the moment. "Lieutenant?" Beth asked from the doorway that would lead to her ready room surprising everyone on the bridge as she appeared with no warning. "Can we have a chat?" She wondered hoping that the moment was convenient that they could have a few moments to talk.

"Oh, um, yes ma'am," she said, snapping out from her own little world that she had created for herself at the helm station as she saved her data and stood from her station as a crewman took over. She made her way across the bridge, stepping into the ready room a moment later. "You asked to see me, ma'am?" as she clasped her hands behind her back.

"Please have a seat," Beth said moving to her desk offering the chair opposite to the woman. It was a conversation she was going to be repeating today with all her senior officers, without an Executive Officer it was all down to her and she failing in that respect a little at the moment.

"Aye, ma'am," she responded as she moved to sit in the offered seat. Samantha wondered what the Captain wanted--had she done something wrong? No, she wasn't aware of having done anything major.

Beth let the silence reign for a moment as she looked at the other woman. They were all different people than they had been a month ago, hell they were different people than 15 minutes ago. They were constantly changing and adapting to the new existence they had. “How are you doing Samantha?” She finally asked thinking back to the night of the boarding and how crushed the woman had been. She should have asked this sooner and hoped that the woman was okay in her own way.

She was taken aback by the commander using her first name. "Um, I'm--I'm doing better ma'am," she said honestly. Although Samantha still had nightmares of the Vrav choking her and being covered in blood, she was doing better by keeping herself busy. "I hadn't ever killed anyone before, so, um, it's been hard."

"It is not the ideal situation and not something I ever saw anyone of us involved in at all. We are explorers and not soldiers but that has changed without us realising it. How can I help?" The Officer in Charged asked softly. She wanted to help and all she could do was talk it out. They had no psychologist onboard that she knew of and she had been through everyone's files, there was not even a wellbeing practitioner among them.

"Thank you, ma'am...but I'm fine. I think it will just take some time," Samantha replied with a shrug. She didn't want to bother the woman. "It helps to keep busy, which I have been doing with charting alternate routes should we need to."

That sounded like it was a perfect distraction but distracting only buried the issue. Maybe she could be Aurelius' first proper morale-boosting foray into his new role. She needed the boost and to realise that it was not her fault, the Vrav has brought the battle to them and they had, had to survive. "There is a subtle difference between fine and thriving. And as you're Officer in charge, it is my place to make sure you thrive." She pointed out.

Samantha mulled over the other woman's words for a moment. "We're so low on man power, ma'am, especially in the Flight Control Department." Which meant those very few aboard qualified to fly the ship had to pull longer hours at the helm. Currently, she was often taking two shifts--leading to long days. "I don't want to be a burden on anyone."

"No one is a burden on this ship. You of all people" Beth said gently. "We are low in every department but we have people willing to train across the ship. Has anyone jump out as able to fly our home?" She wondered thinking she needed to cut to the chase eventually but for now she got to talk it out with the woman. She needed to make sure that all her crew after the boarding party were okay.

"Not especially, ma'am. There are a few who are grasping the basics but I wouldn't ask them to perform any advanced maneuvers," Samantha answered honestly. "Most aren't used to the way the NX Class handles. They will get better with time I suppose."

"They need to get better with time," Beth answered sadly. The NX was the newest model but it would become the only model they knew with time and effort spent training them. "Because I am in need of a 2XO at the moment," Beth admitted finally what the whole reason was for inviting the woman there. She needed someone to step up into Sloan's spot.

Samantha raised an eyebrow at the woman. "A second officer? Wait, you mean you're giving the position to me? What about Commander Slaon?"

"Commander Sloan is currently locked in the Bridge for being a potential traitor. He is still my first choice for XO but I do need someone to take his old spot. We need to carry on this ship and I need someone. Everyone else has even less experience." Lukas would have been her first choice but the man was in a Coma and could never recover.

"Oh, um, ok, I understand," Samantha said as the realization began to sink in. "I won't let you down ma'am."

"I know you will do your best but I do worry that it is going to be too much for you to take on?" Beth replied seriously concerned. The woman had just admitted how much she was working and how there were so few pilots who could fly Atlantis. Was she just being foolish and not going to someone else when the woman had one of the most important jobs already.

"I believe I can handle the duties, ma'am. I just need to teach up a decent replacement. All of this will take time, is all," Samantha explained. She was sure of herself and wanted to rise to the challenge but their situation was unique and would require time to adjust to.

"2XO is not taking you from your role just yet but if this thing with Sloan does not get sorted soon it might mean more paperwork." Everything about the Command positions and the roles involved paperwork but maybe between them all they could work out a better system or more communication verbally.

"So does that mean I can get a secretary or yeoman?" Samantha asked grinning, trying to make herself more than anything to cheer up.

Beth found herself smiling a little more. "If only Samantha." Beth rose from her desk knowing the woman had things to do. They could talk more another time now that the woman had it all confirmed. They could announce it tomorrow at the morning briefing.

"I'll get back to my post, ma'am. Thank you for the confidence," Samantha said with a nod after standing.


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