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Not Needing A Quick Fix

Posted on Wed Oct 23rd, 2019 @ 3:54pm by Captain Bethsabée Leroux & Ensign Michael Sloan

Mission: Mission 1 - One Step forward
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: Six hours after reverlation about ships location
1290 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

It was longer than two hours as Beth and Michael got to check in with Engineering. Beth knew that Carter had talked to Sloan about the sensors but the new Captain wanted to talk with the Chief Engineer himself and giving him longer would be beneficial as they would get more information and able to plan better. Planning now would mean they had a better chance at surviving and get home somehow.

“Hello Carter,” Beth greeted softly as she approached the man. She hadn't seen him since they had ended up so far from home so it was nice to see that he was indeed intact and looking like he was busy.

"Any updates since we talked?" Michael asked. As of there last talk, Carter was going to try to set up the sensor profiles for survival supplies and for tactical alerts as well as checking the fuel supplies.

Carter was working at one of the terminals along the side of the warp core. When he heard his name he looked up to see Michael and Beth approaching with an expectant look. "Good to see you both," He said. "Modifications are progressing. So far we've managed to enhance biological sensor resolution by eight percent." Carter nodded at the diagnostic data spilling across the screen. "But, as expected, it's severely impacting tactical."

Beth turned to look at the suggested screen and frowned just a little. "At the moment biological sensors are needed to regroup and work out what supplies we have. What about the state of the rest of the ship?" She wondered thinking of what had caused there to be a radiation issue that had killed the Captain in the first place.

"Any idea what caused the radiation spike that sent us here?" Michael asked as a follow-up. It was the real question they wanted to know. If they knew what caused their situation, there was always a chance that they could reverse it.

Beth looked at Michael raising an eyebrow for a moment as she wondered if he was telepathic for asking the burning question that she wanted to ask. Maybe it was just great minds thinking alike and both wanting to know the same thing.

Carter minimized the sensor schematics and pulled up the latest ship systems report. A dorsal view of the Atlantis appeared with red highlights on several areas of the ship. "Impulse engines, the main deflector, and dorsal polarizing hull plating remain below standard," He said, pointing to the areas of the ship highlight in crimson. "We can manage about 2/3 impulse until repairs are completed, but we'll need to take the engines offline to return to peak efficiency. The damage to the deflector's graviton emitter will limit us to warp 3.5 - maybe 3.7. And hull plating...I don't even know where to start yet."

He looked to Michael and held up his hands. "I don't know what brought us here yet or if the ship's at fault. I just know it has left me with a pile of repairs."

Beth looked at the pair and plastered a small smile on her face as she looked over what was on the sensor schematics and ship reports. She knew it would be a tough job getting the crew on side due to her having been the silent force behind the Commanding Officer for the last six months but this was downright hostile or proving just how much of a boys club the place was. "And you will have the crew that you need. I'll be sending Communication Operators down to you as well as anyone else not helping with crucial repairs." Betha said pointedly.

"Thank you, Commander," Lukas said. "I'm sorry I do not have better news for either of you, but I promise my crew will get the repairs done."

"Feel free to draft any of the Armory crew to your cause as well, some are certified in damage repair so they could help," Michael nodded. The damage was extensive and that needed to be a top priority. "We have no idea who's neighborhood we are flying around inside. I'd feel a lot more comfortable when the ship is in full working order," he added with the understanding that it would not be an overnight repair.

"We understand it isn't going to be a quick and I do not want a quick fix," Beth said firmly. There was no point in doing the job quickly and it being done half-heartedly and breaking down at a critical time. It was a waste of time and energy. "Let's get things done right the first time. Like the Commander said we do not know who's neighbourhood we are in." Even thinking about what could be out there was going to give the woman nightmares once she finally got to rest.

Carter breathed a sigh of relief and nodded at them both. "On a subject of greater importance," Carter said, looking between the two senior officers. "When do you start going by Captain, Beth? I think it's important for the crew to know who's in charge."

"There isn't a subject of greater importance Lukas," Beth said softly using his first name as he had used hers. "Get us moving towards home is the most important thing. We are..." She paused for a split second to find the correct phrase in English. "sitting ducks until we are moving again." Beth wasn't going to take on Leah's mantel until she was pretty sure she was really able to do the job. Did that make her weak or cautious she didn't know but the crew deserved someone who was strong and if that meant her backing down so be it but she wanted to try?

Seeing that things were getting a little contentious, Michael took the moment to step in. He tried to explain, "I don't think he meant titles were more important than having a ship ready for anything, We've all been trained to operate within a chain of command, I do agree that we need to somehow officially announce the change in command to the crew. If we let them make up their own mind on who they feel is the leader, problems will arise."

"The chain hasn't changed. Executive Officer..." She pointed at herself and then pointed to Michael. "Second Officer... We are still in the same chain of command. Just bumped up one. Nothing has changed in that format apart from Leah no longer being here and us no longer having a Second Officer." The woman said gently trying to not let her tiredness make her make a poor judgement or a snappy comment on who Sloan thought was the better leader. It would do no one any good if she made it and would only feed into his feelings on her.

"Of course," Michael nodded. Under normal conditions, any change of command brought a small proceeding where the new Captain would officially take command of the vessel. Until that time, they were still First and Second Officers on a Captainless ship. He was not going to argue. He rubbed his forehead as though he had a headache just above his brow. "Back to the main matter at hand. How can we help make your repairs easier? Any speed limits you'd like us to observe?"

Lukas looked between the two of them and wondered how long the status quo would continue. "We will manage with what we have. I may recruit other departments if we need additional manpower, but we will get the job done, regardless. I promise."


Commander Bethsabee Leroux
Officer In Charge/Chief Communications Officer
NX Atlantis

Lt. Commander Michael Sloan
Acting First Officer/Chief Armory Officer
NX Atlantis

Lt. Commander Lukas Carter
Chief Engineer
NX Atlantis


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