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Well Aren’t You Suspicious

Posted on Thu May 20th, 2021 @ 3:13am by Lieutenant Darru & Major Samuel King

Mission: Mission 4 - Eden
Location: The Caelestis
Timeline: Day 166 10:30
1074 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Maddison was tense as she walked down the corridor, escorting Darru. The death of Lieutenant Aurelius Davis only reinforced her fears about the ship and she was still wondering about that black figure that Darru had seen. Had it been E.D.E.N or was there a very sneaky and clever Caelestis crewmember aboard? Her eyes scanned every shadow cast by the ship's lighting as her hand hovered near her phase pistol. "I can't believe we lost Lieutenant Davis," she said, disbelief in her voice.

“Warrant Officer I really did not need the escort. I am more than able to protect myself. The Vrav attack we were evenly matched in our defense of the ship.” Darru commented on for what potentially could have been the sixth or seven time. It was apparent that people now believe him and the human comms operator when they had both said they saw someone else onboard. It was just unfortunate that the person who had been murdered was someone very much needed on the ship.

"Then you know who or what killed Lieutenant Davis?" Maddison asked, glancing at the Vulcan Science Officer. "You may be Vulcan but you are far from immortal and until we find out who or what killed Lieutenant Davis, everyone gets an escort and as an armory officer, it is part of my job to make sure no one else dies.."

They turned another corner and walked smack bang into the Marine Commanding Officer wandering all by himself. "Good morning Major." The Vulcan said intrigued why he was walking by himself.

"Major, where is your escort?" Maddison asked with a raised eyebrow.

It was quick and relatively painless as they pair bounced off Sams frame with little damage to him. He looked to see who it was only to discover it was Maddison and Darru. What a most awkward pair they made.

"Your guess is as good as mine. Idiot ran off chasing a shadow and before I could stop them. Gone down a corridor." He shook his head in disappointment. At the same time small droplets of blood dropped from his hand making a nice red pattern on the floor. It was coming from under his uniform, his forearm to be precise.

Darru zeroed in on the blood dripping on the floor instantly and took a step back to look at him better. He did not look like he had been in trouble but they did need to find the missing escort.

Maddison sighed loudly, frustration evident as she pinched the bridge oh her nose. "If he isn't dead, I'll kill him myself." She then noticed the blood dripping down his hand. "Um, Major, how did you injure your hand?"

"Snagged it on an open maintenance panel. Must have been left open when the crew decided to disappear. Just a scratch, nothing to worry about." Sam said as he shrugged. "Takes a bigger thing than that to take me down." He smirked confidently. "Where are you two off to? He questioned back.

“Can I please see Major? It seems to be dripping.” The Vulcan commented not letting the subject go. He knew that logically anyone could be a suspect in Davis’ murder. They all needed to be careful.

"Where is this maintenance panel, Sir?" Maddison asked. If he was telling the truth, there would be blood on the panel...either that or they could trace the drops of blood on the deck back to the spot.

"You know I can't remember. All these halls look the same." Sam replied rather nonchalantly. He didn't see it being an issue, as why would he? "It has only started to bleed again. I managed to stop it with a small bandage but I didn't bring a medical kit with me so..." he added offering his arm to Darru to look at. "You still haven't told me where you two are going? Got to be careful now with one of us dead."

"We are doing our job of exploring this deck," Darru commented on looking at Madison wondering if she was thinking the same as him that it was a bit unusual of the Major. The man was known for being pretty calm and a commanding presence.

"Good." Sam nodded noticing the rather unsubtle look of Darru to Walker. "You two seem on edge, which is completely understandable given the recent death of one of our own but you need to take a breath and keep your head in the game until we get ourselves to safety."

Maddison looked at the major for a moment. "So, you're wandering around the ship aimlessly, major?" That seemed odd to her as she would think a person would have a direction or goal in mind, especially if that person's teammate had ran off.

"I don't wander aimlessly, Warrant Officer," Samuel said in a more stern tone. He was almost insulted by the remark. "If you think I am just walking around with my head up my arse then you have no idea about my role on Atlantis." He had been crossing off corridors, marking them on his path in search of his teammate. Leaving markers for them to follow if they came across them.

Darru agreed with the woman. “Major I think you need to come with us. Armoury department needs to talk to you. You are acting a little odd even for a human.” Darru was not going to lie. Logically it was the right thing to do to get the man questioned and check him out.

"Is that what you think Lieutenant?" he asked rhetorically. "You would think anyone is acting strange when there has been a murder on board, a death. See changes in normal behaviour as odd when it is normal. Heightened fear can cause that, even in a Vulcan."

"I do not fear who I saw but everyone is a suspect until we know more," Darru said simply. The figure that he had seen interested him but until he knew more he was not going to fear something that could have been an accident from gym equipment as Davis was found in a gym. He pulled out his communicator and alerted the ship that they were coming back with King and that King's partner was missing.

Sam smirked, Vulcans could be so superior in their arrogance. "Well, lead the way." Sam said raising his hand and gesturing. "Can't keep the people waiting, can we?"


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Comments (1)

By Ensign Elegy Nascimento on Sun Jun 6th, 2021 @ 3:48pm
