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Posted on Tue Nov 2nd, 2021 @ 2:53pm by Captain Bethsabée Leroux & Lieutenant Avira zh'Kenarh M.D.

Mission: Mission 4 - Eden
Location: Captain Quarters
Timeline: Day 180 10:00
1091 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

When the doors parted for the Andorian doctor she wasn't quite sure what she'd find on the other side. It had been a rather eventful couple of days, now it was her duty to 'check up on the Commander of this vessel to make sure they were up to the task. It wasn't her favourite part of the job, and people rarely appreciated it if she did it well. "Good afternoon, Commander, I hope you're doing well."

Beth rose from the chair slowly she had been looking PADDs over but stopped when she saw it was Avira and waved her inside sitting back down. “I am doing much better seeing the gas is mostly cleared from my system. Yourself?” She wondered moving the PADDs all around her aside to allow the woman to sit down.

Avira kept standing. "That's good to hear." She gave a slow nod, trying to give herself some time before responding to the question. "I'm good, suddenly had a lot of work in the past day or so. Just happy that everyone's recovering."

Beth smiled a little more at the woman who just stood there and her comment about suddenly being busy. “Glad to hear that you are a good doctor. Well, you did comment that you had nothing major going on.” Beth commented lightly with a shrug.

"Well, to be fair, I did not think you would take that as an invite, ma'am." Avira her antennae curled a bit, one corner of her mouth also arcing up slightly. "I understand you want to leave the ship behind as quickly as possible. To be honest. It's also why I wanted to come to see you." Her antennae immediately unfurled, standing at rigid attention. She didn't really want to discuss this with the CO but she'd put it off for long enough. "Do you remember Darru his project in trying to find compatible genetic partners for the crew?"

Beth smiled. Obviously, that request was lost in translation to her. It happened sometimes with all the languages, she thought to herself. “Of course I do. Half the crew was upset with him.” Darru had upset the majority of the female members of the crew due to the matches. It was hard to forget that even if his heart was in the right place for a Vulcan.

"Well, despite knowing that there are no compatible partners for me on the ship, he thought it might still be a good idea to try and see if he could figure out a way to overcome that incompatibility." Avira wasn't sure how much the commander, with her linguistic background, might have grasped from the whole thing, "The first step was for him to make a genetic profile, I allowed him to do so because I was curious about my genetic baggage, so to speak." She thought back to her father, bit back a remark about the man and shook her head a bit, "it turns out that being 100 years removed from home hasn't completely cut all ties." Her antennae drooped. "It seems that I've been gifted with a genetic defect by one of my parents."

"Okay." Beth sat up a little straighter as she took in the information. She had been under no illusions that Darru was more than just a biologist or whatever the Vulcan's had claimed he was. "So what exactly does that mean for you?" Beth said not at all thinking of the wider crew or ship repercussions she wanted to know about Avira.

"It means that I have about 10 years to train a suitable replacement, especially in the surgical part of my duties. I can probably perform my other duties for an additional six to eight years depending on the progression of the disease." Avira focused on her duties to the ship rather than the personal impact it would have. "I consulted the medical bay and EDEN, and there's not an outright cure. I've downloaded the files in regards to how I can manage and suppress the symptoms but we do not have the necessary medical resources to implement that regime."

Beth nodded wishing she had the strength to rise and not perhaps put her hand on the woman’s shoulder or more but she suspected that her own incapacity at the moment was why the woman approached now.

“I see. But does the other ship have the necessary regime? Can we prepare it for the future?”

"Perhaps, honestly standing in that med bay makes me feel like being in Engineering. I have no clue as to how any of it works. We probably won't be able to get it to work properly without EDEN and taking her along is definitely a no-go." Avira sighed a bit, when she had been there with Darru they had tried to figure out a way before cutting their losses and taking the medical report. This whole thing was giving her a quick tour of all the stages of grief, she felt anger bubbling up for being so close to being able to manage the condition. Yet being utterly unable to do anything other than change her diet slightly, start a slightly different workout regime and just hope for the least painful resolution of this.

“EDEN has not responded to any attempts to speak to since so that route is not an option anyway,” Beth admitted silently glancing around for a moment before sighing. “I do not have any words that I know will work or help with this revelation that affects your life. I wish we had the facility onboard to assist Avira. I can offer my help if it is needed.”

"The offer is appreciated, Commander." Avira didn't really know what to do with it though. "I'll use the data from the ship to try and develop a treatment. Perhaps with the help of Darru and some other xeno-biologists." Her antennae drooped at the prospects and the change of finding a treatment, let alone a cure. "Besides, we might run into another future ship with medical tech that looks like magic before long," she said with a half-smile.

Beth did not smile. She did not like the mood of the room nor the help she could not other than moral support which she normally had in abundance. "I believe we have had our luck for a while but who knows something could be in the data core that Sloan, O'Connery and Nascimento found." She said trying to offer something hopeful. It was all she had in a abundance at the moment.


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