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Triage And Space

Posted on Wed Oct 23rd, 2019 @ 3:31pm by Captain Bethsabée Leroux & Ensign Michael Sloan

Mission: Mission 1 - One Step forward
Location: Sickbay, Deck E
Timeline: Four Hours After Reverlation
1173 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Sickbay was the place to go when you were sick. With the devastating news, Michael was certain that it was going to be a busy place in the coming few days. As Beth and himself walked through the door, he immediately noticed the doctor as she carried out her duties. When she came to a stopping point, Michael nodded toward the small officer and asked, "Mind if we talk for a few minutes?"

Beth looked around the room taking in who was where and who was doing what as Michael asked his question. The room was full to maximum and she even saw two comms officers acting as triage nurses to check people over. She offered them a nod for them to continue doing their duties there, there was no one to communicate with outside of the ship right now.

"I've got time." Min didn't look up from her work. Her awareness was on her patients, the current of which she had been bandaging up. She said nothing more for a few moments, finishing her work and giving the young engineer a pat on the shoulder. "You tell me if that swells or looks worse. But come back tomorrow and we'll redress your wound. Rest now."

As the engineer laid back in the bed, Min looked over at the pair. Her eyes darted between the two, a slight pink in her cheeks as she realized she had completely ignored them. "... Should we take this somewhere else?"

"Can we step into your office?" Michael asked, nodding toward the small office to the side of Sickbay. The Chief Armory Officer stepped back so that the doctor could lead them into the office.

Once inside the office and the door closed Beth turned to look at the Doctor instead of looking over the books that were on the shelves like normal. "Have we lost any more crew?" The woman wanted to get straight to the point of knowing if any more of her crew had passed away before anything else. She needed to know if the people that they were searching the ship for were already found and never going to return to duty stations. It was easier to know that that keep searching for something you were never going to find.

"Hello to you too," Min pointed out, as she strode around the desk. But she shook her head. "No. There have been no more casualties thus far. We have a few in critical condition, but as it stands... they should be alright so long as they rest. And they are resting for now. I've had some patients with lesser injuries return to their quarters to mitigate some of the overpopulation of Sick Bay, so that we can monitor the critical patients and take in new arrivals. So far?... We're managing."

Beth ignored the comment. Anyone would understand the current concerns she had over the crew and the lives already lost, no one else needed to perish if it could be helped. "How can we help you, manage more?" She asked quickly. "What support can we give?" It was simpler to ask what people needed rather than assume.

Min didn't skip a beat, setting a hand on her desk and leaning upon it lightly. "Space. We need more space. I can do my job, but this sickbay was not equipped with the number of people we seem to be taking in. Medical advancements are not as immediate as the higher ups would like us to be at. People need time to heal, and places to heal in. I would say medical supplies, but I know where those are at, and at some point we're going to be able to need to wash what we do have in order to reuse it and conserve, something I don't like resorting to, but it's an option I've thought about."

"We will use the mess hall," Beth said her mind whirling with the options available to them on the deck and close enough that the Doctor could still keep an eye on things. The mess hall was one of the biggest options. "Use it as a triage area? Worst come here for practical purposes and ones that just need patching up stay there." She had seen it work previously on a much larger scale so it must be able to work with the amount of crew they had.

"It is a good idea," Michael agreed. Having grown up in a military family, he had seen some drills go down on base. "I've see it work, my parents were part of joining of the African Confederation's military and the United Earth forces. That was part of the mass casualty drills, finding an open that is easily accessible, and the mess fits the bill."

"I advise against the mess." Min pressed. "As much as people need a triage, people will also need a place to eat - whether we're rationing or not. If morale lowers, then the injury count could easily raise and I would much like to prevent that. It will already be low enough with everything as it is. We can make do until another opportunity presents itself, if the need is there."

"Maybe the gymnasium?" Michael offered. It was not as big as the crew's mess, but it was the next biggest open area on the ship that he could think of that would fit the need.

Beth offered a nod her thoughts on space the same as Micheal's. "That is the only other space available to you right now if the mess hall isn't suitable." There were other places people could eat and be together. She was sure knowing that people were being healed up in the space would bring a lot of peace compared to knowing things were cramped.

"... That should work." Min agreed. They likely would have not needed as much space as she figured originally. People were eager to get back to work, to help with their predicament. It was her job to make sure they didn't overwork themselves. Something to note. But, for the moment... "I believe that is all I can ask for the moment - and that neither of you overwork yourselves. I won't go easy on you if I find you in my sickbay due to exhaustion."

"I will try and not do that but I believe that the situation is one that cannot be controlled. No idea when this will end." Beth glanced at Michael and shrugged. The woman had a point but there wasn't much either could do to slow down until they had a better handle on the situation.

"Hopefully, we won't work ourselves to Sickbay," Michael echoed. There was much to be done and the doctor did have a point. If either of them were taken down, the Atlantis would be in a bad situation.

Commander Bethsabee Leroux
Officer In Charge/Chief Communications Officer
NX Atlantis

Lt. Commander Michael Sloan
Acting First Officer/Chief Armory Officer
NX Atlantis

Lieutenant Min Swing
Chief Medical Officer
NX Atlantis


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